司法薬学という薬学 : 訴訟から薬学へのフィードバック
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Risk management in the medical field is said to be entering into the third generation. By definition, the first generation covers the period until some 10 years ago when medical errors themselves used to be regarded as inconceivable and therefore as something of a taboo. The second generation is a period in which those concerned with medical treatment grappled squarely with this issue of medical errors and compiled manuals of "near miss" cases in an effort to prevent errors. After that, such an idea has, come into existence that even the deepest carefulness threatens errors that could develop into the disputes among those involved. The thought of this kind has resulted in the deepening of understanding of the importance of risk management. As a result, the point of view on this issue has been getting broader to cover not only prevention of errors but also prevention of disputes. This type is called third-generation risk management. In this sense jurisprudent pharmacy or legal pharmacy, which is a kind of pharmacy that constitutes medical pharmacy, is aimed at feeding back the lessons learned from litigations to pharmacy to improve and develop it as, a practical science and contributing to the realization of "patient-centered medical science."
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2003-03-01
- その他の事項について(統括班)
- クレーマー対処例 : 水商売らしい女性患者
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- 司法薬学という薬学 : 訴訟から薬学へのフィードバック
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- 平成8年「薬事法等の改正」とこれからの臨床薬理:医師と薬剤師の責任
- 法律家の立場から
- 3. インフォームド コンセント (IC) (7 アレルギー治療薬開発は誰がになうか?)
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- 薬事法・薬剤師法の改正で薬剤師の法的立場はどう変わるか (特集 薬事法・薬剤師法の改正と薬剤師の意識・行動の改革--医薬品情報を中心に)
- 治験における被験者の人権;特にインフォ-ムド・コンセント(IC)の観点から (特集 治験の適正化に向けて--GCPの改正と医療関係者の行動改革)
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- 法律からひも解く薬剤師の未来 (特集 薬剤師のアイデンティティを思い起こそう!)
- Legally cautious points on phase I clinical study.