舞踊作品制作に関する基礎的研究(II) : 演技者にとって作品上演の意義について
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本稿では,舞踊作品が劇場での作品上演にいたる過程にみられる,演技者の作品制作に向けられる創造的行為を検討し,演技者の創造という視点からみた作品上演の意義について一考察を試みた。演技者と創作者との間で繰り返される作品創作での共同関係及び演技者の創造的行為のプロセスをモデルとして想定し,特に舞踊経験の浅い演技者にとって作品の上演がどのような意義をもつのかについて調査を行い,その創造的行為が想定したモデルとどのようなずれをもっているのかについて分析検討した。演技者の作品制作の全過程に見られる創造的行為は,舞踊経験を積んだ演技者と舞踊経験の浅い演技者との間に共通の視点がみいだされた。現在,舞踊作品制作の仕上げとしてこの作品上演の機会は重要であると考えられているが,作品を発表した影にかくされてしまいがちなこの作品上演の意義を,発表の機会が多くの人々に開かれてきた今もう一度問い直す必要があると思われる。The aim of this paper is to examine creative action of performers to the production of work observing their conduct through the process to the presentation at a theatre as a finish of a production of dance work,and to consider the meaning of presenting a dance work for performers(especially inexperienced performers)from a view point of their creativity.Setting two models in regard to cooperative relationship between performers and an originator on a production of work,and to performers's creativity and creative action from observation of experienced performers in producing a work,inquiring of inexperienced dance performers into the meaning of presenting a work,we analyse the differences between thesetted models and the findinges of inquiry.As a result,the analysis shows that creativity and creative action in the process of producing a work an originator is found in inexperienced performers as well as experienced,and that the common views to the setted models are also found in inexperienced performers.It is considered to be important to have an opportunity to present a performance as a finish of a production of dance work.Now that an opportunity of presentation is getting increased,we will need to reconsider the meaning of presentation that is often forgotten from the work.
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