太径鉄筋の自動ガス圧接(第 1 報) : 自動圧接の装置と方法
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In Japan, gas pressure welding is extensively used for joining concrete reinforcing bars. It is a kind of solid phase welding and is simple as well as economical for field welding of steel bars. However, as the conventional method is a manual practice, the quality of joints depends much on the working condition and workmanship of individual operators. Therefore, in order to improve the quality and reliability of these gas pressure welded joints, experiments were performed to investigate the influence of welding conditions and welding process on the properties of joints. On the basis of the results obtained, a new system of automatic gas pressure welding has been developed. The system consists of a portable automatic gas pressure welding machine and its control devices including welding program for sequential control. In this system, welding is automatically carried out in accordance with a preset program. In a number of experiments and field weldings, joints welded by this machine proved sufficiently strong. The present part of this paper will be devoted to a description of the apparatus and the system of automatic gas pressure welding.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1977-02-05
池野 輝夫
新日本製鐵(株) 製品技術研究所
横川 孝男
高野 重雄
池野 輝夫
横川 孝男
一瀬 康明
高野 重雄
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