Eocene ostracodes from the Iwaya Formation on Awajishima Island, southwestern Japan
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The ostracode fauna from the middle-upper Eocene Iwaya Formation on Awajishima Island, Hyogo Prefecture, southwestern Japan was studied to reveal a band of the Eocene ostracode faunal spectrum in the middle latitudes of the northwestern Pacific. Based on lithofacies and previously reported calcareous nannofossils, molluscs, and benthic foraminifers, the ostracodes were found to have inhabited inner shelf environments. The ostracodes entirely differ from the Eocene-earliest Oligocene faunas in Kyushu, southwestern Japan and the East China Sea, both in generic and specific composition. The difference is considered to be due to paleoclimatic and paleogeographic differences between Awajishima Island and more southern latitudes at that time. Described species include three new species, Munseyella setouchiensis sp. nov., Hanaiborchella reticu-laritriangularis sp. nov., and Trachyleberis awajiensis sp. nov.
- 日本古生物学会の論文
- 2005-12-31
神谷 隆宏
Kanazawa Univ. Kanazawa Jpn
神谷 隆宏
Department Of Earth Sciences Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
神谷 隆宏
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University
Division of Natural History, Museum of Nature and Human Activities
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University
Kamiya Takahiro
Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Kanazawa University
Matsubara Takashi
Division Of Natural History Museum Of Nature And Human Activities
Matsubara Takashi
Division Of Earth Sciences Museum Of Nature And Human Activities
Yamaguchi Tatsuhiko
Kanazawa Univ. Kanazawa Prefecture Jpn
Yamaguchi Tatsuhiko
Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Kanazawa University
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