RbBr:Tl^+輝尽性蛍光体を使用した胸部Digital Radiographyにおける撮影線質の検討
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Beam quality for digital chest radiography in digital radiography systems (DR systems) with RbBr:Tl^+ photostimulable storage phosphors was investigated. Measurements of overall Wiener spectrum (overall WS) and observer performance experiments by means of Scheffe's method of paired comparisons were performed under the same exposure (5.16×10^<-7>C/kg) at the X-ray detector of DR systems (sampling distance: 175 μm, 2,048×2,048 pixels, 12 bits, look-up table: THX2) with a phantom lung and metacryl plates. Overall WS values were indicated to be inferior at higher tube voltages. All of the overall WS values were greater than those of screen film systems (HGM/UR1:S/F) at radiographic density 0.50, which was considered the density of the mediastinum and the area below the diaphragm (low density area), and at radiographic densities 1.00 and 1.50, considered as lung, WS values of S/F were located between the overall WS values of 80 kV and 100 kV, and 120 kV and 140 kV, respectively. Evaluation of visibility including mediastinum, lung, and total were indicated to be superior at the lower tube voltages. In evaluation of the mediastinum, the base image, which was obtained by 100 kV tube voltage (effective energy: 46.0 kV) in this study, was not significant from 90 kV to 110 kV tube voltages (range, ± 10 kV), and in-lung and total evaluations were not significant from 90 kV to 120 kV (range, -10 kV〜+20 kV), and from 80 kV to 120 kV (range, ±20 kV) tube voltages by 99% confidence interval. In conclusion, optimal beam quality for digital chest radiography with RbBr:Tl^+ photostimulable storage phosphors was considered to be less than 110 kV tube voltage (effective energy, 47.9 keV) in 0.1 mm copper and 3.8 mm aluminum total filtration. In this case, the granularity in low-density areas were inferior to those of S/F systems but nearly equal to the middle and high-density areas of chest images, and exposure dose was 14.3% lower than that of the base image obtained by 100 kV (effective energy, 46.0 keV) tube voltage in this study.
- 2003-09-20
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