溶接アークの最大長さにおよぼす風向風速の影響(第 2 報) : 風によるアークの最大長さの変化に影響する諸因子の解明
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In the previous paper the author described the effect of coating materials of electrodes on the maximum arc length, the variation of the arc length under various windy conditions, i.e. the different velocities and the directions of wind, and the change of the arc voltage and the current at the experiment. Then the correlation between the set angle of electrode and the winds' condition became evident and it was assumed that the decrease of the maximum arc length was caused by the disturbing actions which affected the ionization of vaporized materials and gasses maintaining the growth of the arc. In the present paper the author deal with more detailed experimental conditions based upon the previous process of the researches and extend the investigation about some factors concerning the decrease of the maximum arc length under windy conditions while analizing the phenomena of wind disturbance on the arc column. Results of the experiments are summarized as follows : (1) The decrease of the maximum arc length of coated electrode, bare electrode or tungsten electrode shows a slight different tendency respectively and this means that the wind may disturb each ionic material of the rods differently. The variation of the maximum arc length shows a similar tendency with alternating or direct current, but it is recognized that the decrease of the arc length with direct current does not change scatteringly and this shows exact stability of the direct current arc. (2) The decreased length of the arc is not proportional to the increase of wind velocity and for example, the calculated mean value of the decrease percent within the range of the wind velocity of 0m/s and 4m/s (L_4//L_0) is not proportional to that of 4m/s and 9m/s (L_9/L_4). (3) By the observation of photographs of the arc under the windy condition, the phenomenon of flowing of the arc which differs from the so-called arc blow or other abnormal behavior by the electrical disturbance. It can be considered that the feeding source of ionic materials, i.e. the coating materials, the electrode metals and other atomospheric gasses, seems to be disturbed and floated by the wind blowing. (4) The analysis of the correlation between the maximum arc length and the set angle of electrode proves that the interaction between the angle and the wind blowing affects the maximum arc length and the angle of 1/4π is effective to maintain the longest arc length.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1974-09-05
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