- 論文の詳細を見る
Only scanty information is available concerning the behavior and the habitat of Rhipidolestes aculeata Ris. Now the authors made some observations on this species at Mt. Hiko in Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu at the beginning of July of 1957. In this brief paper the habitat, the behavior and the outline of the embryonic development of this species are described. (1) Habitat : R. aculeata is a forest-dweller with a restricted habitat, which must be searched for in deeply recessed places, over small brooks or near swift rocky mountain streams. The dragonflies are found over the colony of Ligularia sibirica Cass. (Compositae, Campanulatae) in the woods of Japan cedar, Cryptomeria japonica, slowly flying about and chasing each other in short jerky flights, or settling repeatedly on the dead branches or leaves of Ligularia and other grasses near the water, with their wings spread out half way or nearly horizontally. Their nymphs breed in clear running water with a stony bed, and the adult dragonflies are never found far away from these habitats. (2) Copulation : The copulation of this species belongs to the usual zygopterous type, i. e., the male clasps the female prothorax with his anal appendages during copulation. (3) Oviposition : Most of the Zygoptera oviposit in tandem. In this species, however, the single female deposits her eggs one by one in separate incisions made in the stems of Ligularia or the sticks of rotten plants within about two feet above the water. (4) Eggs and embryos : A single egg is long ellipsoid in shade and measures 1.06 mm.×0.23 mm. just after oviposition. The eggs kept at 22.5℃.±2.5℃. in the laboratory were observed to hatch out 30-31 days after oviposition. The embryonic development of R. aculeata is of the invaginated type, closely resembling that of Calopteryx virgo (Brandt, 1869), Lestes sponsa, Epiophlebia superstes, and Anax parthenope julius (Ando, unpulished), etc. (5) Nymphs : In the newly hatched nymph, i. e., the second instar nymph, the compound eyes are small and black, the head is rather squarish, the legs and the abdomen are more or less hairy. An ultimate nymphal exuvia was discovered on a stem of Ligularia. The exuvia when found was without caudal gills, but otherwies it was undamaged. Details of the embryonic development and the nymphs of this species will be described in future papers.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1958-04-30
- 外部観察によるモンカゲロウ Ephemera strigata Eaton の胚子発生
- ガガンボモドキ(長翅目)の発生について(発生)
- ニカメイガ幼虫の前胸背板の発生(生理・発生・実験形態・生化学・分類・生態)
- 2, 3の昆虫の側脚について(発生)
- コケシロアリモドキの中腸形成について(発生)
- 蜻蛉目の比較発生学的研究 : ムカシトンボを主として
- プライアシリアゲの初期発生(全分科)
- トンボ目における中腸の形成(組織・實驗形態・遺傳)
- カイコ胚細胞ライソソームのアクリジン・オレンジ取込能の休眠状態による差異
- 走査電子顕微鏡による観察で認められたモンシロチョウ鱗粉の性差
- カイコ卵の休眠にともなうライソソームの変化(遺伝・発生・細胞)
- ニカメイガにおける胚子脱皮