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We are collecting sociological data in relation to the estimation of radiation dose by radionuclides released from the nuclear fuel cycle facilities in Rokkasho-mura, Aomori Prefecture. This survey on the daily food intake by infants in Aomori Prefecture over a two-year period (1995-1996) is a continuation of a previous survey on individuals (≧5 years old). We investigated 179 infants in the age group around 4 years old and 181 infants in the age group around 1 year old. They were living in families belonging to three different groups of primary occupations: fishery workers, farmers and other occupations. The average total daily food consumption of the age group around 4 years old was about 958 grams/day/person (g/d/p), which was weighted according to the number of families in each of the three types of occupations in Aomori Prefecture. There was no significant difference shown for occupation and area. The consumption rates of marine, agricultural and livestock products and other products were around 45, 388, 256 and 268 g/d/p, respectively. Families of fishery workers showed a higher consumption of marine products, and families of farmers showed a higher consumption of agricultural products. The average total daily food consumption of the age group around 1 year old was about 627 g/d/p. The consumption rates of marine, agricultural and livestock products and other products were around 26, 251, 201 and 150 g/d/p, respectively. Compared with individuals over 5 years old, food consumption of the age group around 4 years old was about one-half, and the age group around 1 year old was about one-third. Consumption rates of marine products and agricultural products were low, and livestock products and other products were high in infants. As the age group became lower, the ratio of the quantity of dairy products became higher.
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