キホリハナバチ(ハチ目 : ハキリバチ科)の巣の構造およびハナバチ類における坑道の直径と胸厚の関係
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A total of 8 nests of Lithurgus (Lithurgus) collaris, excavated in relatively hard wood, was discovered in the Ishigaki (24°27′N) and Iriomote (24°20′N) Islands, southernmost archipelago of Japan. This is the first authentic record of the nest architecture of this species. Although these were all abandoned nests, the following characteristics were recognized : 1) The main burrow, connecting to the entrance, was bifurcated upward and downward, and 3 to 7 sub-burrows were differentiated from the main burrow. 2) The total number of provisioned cells (=cocoons) per nest was 6-8 (mean±SD : 7.0±0.8, N=3), involving 1 to 3 provisioned cells in each sub-burrow. 3) Omission of the partition between provisioned cells was obvious, but each sub-burrow was loosely filled with wood fiber-dust scraped from the burrow wall. 4) Each egg was deposited in an egg-chamber formed between pollen stores, indicating that oviposition is performed after some amount of pollen was stored. 5) As floral resources, Hibiscus tiliaceus (Malvaceae) and Ipomoea pescaprae (Convolvulaceae), with large-sized pollen grains were used. Lithurgus collaris seems to be not oligolectic, differing from other lithurgine bees. The relationship between diameter of burrow (A) and thickness of thorax (B) in various taxa of bees is discussed. In L. collaris, A/B (1.56) was the smallest among bees, suggesting that this species is not likely to excavate an excessive diameter of the burrow. On the other hand, social bees (e. g., Halictidae) and facultatively social bees (e. g., Ceratina) excavate much larger diameters of burrows (A/B>2.0) as compared with those of typically solitary bees (e. g., Andrenidae and Apinae). This facilitates exchange of positions between cohabitants within the burrows.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 2001-06-25
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- キホリハナバチ(ハチ目 : ハキリバチ科)の巣の構造およびハナバチ類における坑道の直径と胸厚の関係
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