BB23 FACTORS FOR ENTRAINMENT OF STRIDULATORY ACTIVITY IN LONG-HORNED GRASSHOPPER.(Behavior Biology)(Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
Ito H.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., The Japanese Red Cross Nagoya First Hospital,
Otsu T.
Dept. Of Biol. Fac. Of Sci. Univ. Of Yamagata
Nakatani I.
Dept. of Biol., Fac. of Sci., Univ. of Yamagata
Nakatani I.
Dept. Biol. Fac. Sci. Yamagata Univ.
Nakatani I.
Dept. Of Biol. Fac. Of Sci. Univ. Of Yamagata
Ito H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.
- 108 1 case of Healyn-Werner syndrome and 2 cases of uterovaginal anomalies associated with unilateral renal agenesis.
- 477 The risk factor of recurrent abortion due to immunological causes : A singnificance of anti-HLA antibodies.
- 476 Oligonucleotide-DNA typing of HLA-DR genes in recurrent aborters.
- 357 Electron microscopic studies on adenosquamous carcinoma and adenoacanthoma of the endometrium.
- 362 Ultrastructural observation of the arteries in the adherent part of the placenta in the IUGR cases, in paticular a comparative study with toxemia of pregnancy.
- 222 Possible mechanisms of HLA-immunotherapy for maintaining pregnancy against recurrent spontaneous aborters.
- 216. Immunohistological Study on MHC Antigen Expression by Cultured Choriocarcinoma Cells
- 62. Histochemical Studies on the Structual Speciality of Arteries of Stem Villi in Gestosis
- 67. Studies on AFP Production in Embryonal Carcinoma, with Special Reference to Comparative Observation on Human and Experimental Models
- 448 Experience with Perinatal Management of Prolapsed Fetal Membranes under 27 Weeks of Pregnancy by Cervical Cerclage with Bladder Overfilling and Decompression Combined.
- 492 Conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate, etoposide and embryocide.
- 167. A Study on the Etiology Classification of IUGR in Terms of the Placental Circulatory Kinetics and of the Architectural Change in Omphaloplacenta in Fetus
- 95. Electron Microscopic Studies on the Changes of Arteries of Placental Bed in Toxemic Pregnancy
- 399 . Imaging of Human Choriocarcinoma Using Monoclonal Antibody
- 340. Histochemical Studies on Localization of Immunoglobulins and a Complement in Trophoblastic Diseases
- 34. Ultrastructural Comparison of Human Chorioepithelioma and Induced Chorioepithelioma in Rat
- 501 Prenatal diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome.
- 276 Comparison of hCG level in Douglas's pouch fluid with serum hCG level and serum progesterone level in ectopic pregnacy.
- 218. C-myc Oncogene Expression in the Trophoblastic Disease
- BB23 FACTORS FOR ENTRAINMENT OF STRIDULATORY ACTIVITY IN LONG-HORNED GRASSHOPPER.(Behavior Biology)(Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 105. Nucleic Acid Synthesis in the FGR Placenta of the Experimental Model
- 296.Property on the Established Cell-line in vitro from Human Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumor : XXXXX Ovarian Tumor(I)
- ECDYSIS IN ALBINO CRAYFISH(Physiology)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- 344.Immunocytological Studies on the Localization of Pregnancy Specific Protein in the Placenta of Toxemia, Particularly its Correlation with Gestosis Index and Histochemical Findings : XXXXXVIII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(VIII)
- CHOICE OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS IN THE CRICKET, GRYLLUS BIMACULATUS : Behavior Biology and Ecology : Abstracts of papers presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- THE MECHANISM CF EXTRA STRUCTURE FORMATION ON CRAYFISH CHELIPED(Physiology)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)