344.Immunocytological Studies on the Localization of Pregnancy Specific Protein in the Placenta of Toxemia, Particularly its Correlation with Gestosis Index and Histochemical Findings : XXXXXVIII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(VIII)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本産科婦人科学会の論文
- 1983-11-01
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., Chiba Univ. Sch. Med.
Ito H.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., The Japanese Red Cross Nagoya First Hospital,
Dept. Obst. Gynec., Osaka Med. College
Tsutsumi N.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec., National Okura Hospital
Nakamoto O.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Osaka City Univ. Med. Sch.
Hirakata Y.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.
Tsukahara T.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Jikeikai Univ. Sch. Med.
Tsukahara T.
Dept. Obst & Gynec. Shinshu Univ. Med. Sch.
Hosokawa T.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.
Nakamoto O.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.
Ito H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Jikei Univ. Sch. Med.
- 351. Individualization of Chemotherapy for Advanced Ovarian Cancer : Study on Efficacy of a New Rapid Sensitivity Test for Antineoplastic Agents
- 331. (Abstract is not available)
- 144 Effect of the vascular endothelial cells on refractoriness to Angiotensin II (A-II) of pregnant and non-pregnant rabbits. : Significance of Nitric Oxide as EDRF
- 25 Maternal and fetal Prognosis of mild Pregnancy lnduced hypertension diagnosed by two different criteria
- 137 Vascular sensitivity to Angiotensin II (A-II) in the increased intrauterine resting tonus (IIURT) of pregnant rabbits. : Significance of EDRF.
- 43 Increased vascular sensitivity to Angiotensin II (A-II) on pregnant rabbits under chronic increased intra-uterine resting tonus.
- 365 The influence of increased uterine resting tonus on maternal blood pressure and angiotensin-II sensitivity.
- 96. Clinical Evaluation of Rollover Test and Hand Grip Test for Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
- 90. Effects of Prostaglandins Inhibitors on Vascular Sensitivity for Angiotensin II in the non-pregnant and the Pregnant Rabbits, in vivo and in vitro (According to the Magnus' Method)
- Dynamic Observation of Domain Speed in MAMMOS Expanding Layer
- 108 1 case of Healyn-Werner syndrome and 2 cases of uterovaginal anomalies associated with unilateral renal agenesis.
- 280.A Study on the Most Useful Combination of Tumor Markers for Recurrence of the Gynecological Malignancy : XXXXVII Malignant Tumor(VII)
- 477 The risk factor of recurrent abortion due to immunological causes : A singnificance of anti-HLA antibodies.
- 476 Oligonucleotide-DNA typing of HLA-DR genes in recurrent aborters.
- 357 Electron microscopic studies on adenosquamous carcinoma and adenoacanthoma of the endometrium.
- 126 A study on classifying gestosis as seen from the placenta.
- 424 Fundamental investigation of collagen fiber in the human decidual tissue.
- 362 Ultrastructural observation of the arteries in the adherent part of the placenta in the IUGR cases, in paticular a comparative study with toxemia of pregnancy.
- 222 Possible mechanisms of HLA-immunotherapy for maintaining pregnancy against recurrent spontaneous aborters.
- 216. Immunohistological Study on MHC Antigen Expression by Cultured Choriocarcinoma Cells
- 62. Histochemical Studies on the Structual Speciality of Arteries of Stem Villi in Gestosis
- 67. Studies on AFP Production in Embryonal Carcinoma, with Special Reference to Comparative Observation on Human and Experimental Models
- 119 The relationship between muscular strength and steroid levels in pubertal girls.
- 448 Experience with Perinatal Management of Prolapsed Fetal Membranes under 27 Weeks of Pregnancy by Cervical Cerclage with Bladder Overfilling and Decompression Combined.
- 492 Conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate, etoposide and embryocide.
- 167. A Study on the Etiology Classification of IUGR in Terms of the Placental Circulatory Kinetics and of the Architectural Change in Omphaloplacenta in Fetus
- 95. Electron Microscopic Studies on the Changes of Arteries of Placental Bed in Toxemic Pregnancy
- 175 The placental sluice flow mechanism caused by maternal supine position in late pregnancy.
- 496. An Aspect of Immunological Regulations Responsible for Maintaining Pregnancy
- 399 . Imaging of Human Choriocarcinoma Using Monoclonal Antibody
- 340. Histochemical Studies on Localization of Immunoglobulins and a Complement in Trophoblastic Diseases
- 34. Ultrastructural Comparison of Human Chorioepithelioma and Induced Chorioepithelioma in Rat
- 43. Treatments of the Patients with Hypergonadotropic Ovarian Failure
- 15.Histochemical Studies of Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenases in Rabbit Eggs Fertilized in vitro and a Study of Steroid Hormone in the Oviducal Fluid : III Endocrinology : Basic Aspects(III)
- 123. Serological and Immuno-histological Studies of HLA-system Concerning the Maintenance of Pregnancy
- 160 Effect of leupeptin on the lysosomes in the cultured fibroblasts.
- Effect of leupeptin on the lysosomes in the cultured fibroblasts.
- 200. Differentiation of cultured mouse embryonal carcinoma cells induced by defined chemicals.
- 25. Ultracytochemical localization of phosphatase in the monkey urothelium.
- 501 Prenatal diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome.
- 276 Comparison of hCG level in Douglas's pouch fluid with serum hCG level and serum progesterone level in ectopic pregnacy.
- 300. The Relationship between LH Secretion Pattern and Ovulation Induced Effect of Clomiphene Citrate (CC) in Anovulatory Patients
- 288. Studies on the Secretory Regulation of Pituitary Gonadotropin from a View of Blood LH-RH Dynamics after ,Treated with Estrogen
- 218. C-myc Oncogene Expression in the Trophoblastic Disease
- BB23 FACTORS FOR ENTRAINMENT OF STRIDULATORY ACTIVITY IN LONG-HORNED GRASSHOPPER.(Behavior Biology)(Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 519 Distribution of Ca^/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in the rat ovary.
- 7 HTLV-I infection as an oncogenic and prognostic risk factor in patients with cervical carcinoma and vaginal carcinoma.
- 154.A Mechanism of Radioresistance in Uterine Adenocarcinoma Cells : XXVI Malignant Tumor(VI)
- 16. A Study on Assessment of Prognosis of Radiothrapy for Cacer of Uterine Cervix
- 18.Study on Radiation Effect for Cultured Cervical Adenocarcinoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Special Reference to Quantitative Comparative Study According to Colony Formation Assay : III Malignant Tumor(III)
- 155. Histogenesis of Pelvic Endometriosis
- 160. Studies on Hyperlipemia in Pregnancy : Effects on Lipid Metabolism and Placental Function by Heparin Administration
- 105. Nucleic Acid Synthesis in the FGR Placenta of the Experimental Model
- 238. The Breech Scoring Index for Vaginal Delivery in Term Breech Presentation
- 37.Studies on Influences of Methotrexate on Nuclear DNA and hCG Synthesis in Established Choriocarcinoma Cell Line : VI Ovarian Tumor and Trophoblastic Tumor(II)
- 296.Property on the Established Cell-line in vitro from Human Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumor : XXXXX Ovarian Tumor(I)
- 384. Adenylate Cyclase in Human Endometrium
- STRUCTURE OF THE OVARY AND OOGENESIS IN SCHIZOMUS SAWADAI(ARACHNIDA; SCHIZOMIDA)(Cell Biology and Morphology)Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoologiacal Socistry of Japan
- 230 Phosphorylation of Ca^ /calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II in the crude extract of cultured rat granulosa cells.
- 344.Immunocytological Studies on the Localization of Pregnancy Specific Protein in the Placenta of Toxemia, Particularly its Correlation with Gestosis Index and Histochemical Findings : XXXXXVIII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(VIII)
- 9 Analysis of peripheral T lymphocyte subsets in patients with carcinoma of the cervix uteri.