魚類の卵子形成過程における卵黄核の役割 : II.シナイモロコ卵の表層胞形成と卵黄核との関係
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1. Observations were carried out on the relation between the formation of cortical alveoli and the yolk-nucleus in the oocytes of fish, Pseudorasbora pimula. The yolk-nucleus appears first in the vicinity to the germinal vesicle of younger oocytes and moves later towards periphery with the growth of oocyte. In the peripheral region the basophilic, granular substance is gradually formed as a layer around the yolk-nucleus, and then the basophilic layer transforms into dispersed fragments or particles with a change of stainability. In this process the dispersed fragments or particles aggregates each other, forming the precursor of the cortical alveoli. The basophilic substance is quite similar to the "pallial substance or layer" in its behavior, stainability and shape, and seems to be homologous with the latter. 2. The precursor of cortical alveoli consists of a double structure, outer and inner parts. The outer part is weakly positive to periodic acid Schiff's (PAS) reaction and stained bluish with azan staining. The inner part which is composed of one to some dozen granules is strongly positive to PAS-reaction. The precursor migrates towards the oocyte-periphery where the inner part dissociates into granules (or vesicles) about one to eight micra in diameter. The granules (or vesicles) are arranged beneath the egg membrane and become the so-called cortical granules (or cortical alveoli).
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1969-09-15
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- 魚類の卵子形成過程における卵黄核の役割 : II.シナイモロコ卵の表層胞形成と卵黄核との関係
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