日本産ハゼ亜目魚類の1種, ヨシノボリに適用される種名
- 論文の詳細を見る
1) Since the emendation given by Jordan and Snyder (1901:74) Gobius brunneus TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL, 1845, has long been supposed to be, and treated as an apparent Glossogobius species. Recently, both Koumans (1935:149) and Boeseman (1947:123) suggested upon careful reexamination of the holotype (RMNH 1923) that it should not be a Glossogobius species, but a Rhinogobius species, which is even probably identical with Rhinogobius similis GILL, 1859, sensu JORDAN et SNYDER. 2) Comparing three groups of specimens identical with Rhinogobius similis GILL sensu JORDAN et SNYDER, Rhinogobius giurinus (RUTTER), or a very relative of the preceding species, and Glossogobius giuris (HAMILTON-BUCHANAN), or Glossogobius brunneus: JORDAN et SNYDER respectively, the present writer recognizes such features as velum forms and relative lengths of the pelvic fins (Fig. 1, Table 1) as clear-cut characters to distinguish the first species from the others. Observed and measured by the courtesy of Dr. Boeseman (Private correspondenses 1961-1962), the features concerned of RMNH 1923 (Fig. 2, Table 1) show that this type specimen agrees well with the first species above mentioned. 3) Rhinogobius similis GILL sensu JORDAN et SNYDER is, then, apparently identified with Gobius brunneus TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL, which must take the priority to the other, and may be now emended as Rhinogobius brunneus (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL). The Glosogobius brunneus (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL) sensu JORDAN et SNYDER, meanwhile, is recently considered as a synonym of Glossogobius giuris (HAMILTON-BUCHANA) by Koumans (1953:106).
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1962-09-15
- イセヱビの研究III : イセヱビの産卵囘數に就いて
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- 日本産ハゼ亜目魚類の1種, ヨシノボリに適用される種名
- 再びネムリシビレエイCrassinarke dormitorについて
- 魚類の老齢期生長の解析および繁殖終了年齢と寿命の推定