再びネムリシビレエイCrassinarke dormitorについて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The author ('51) erected newly the genus and species, Crassinarke dormitor, for a Japanese electric ray captured off Cape Ashizuri, and another specimen. Abe ('55: 277) cites it in his descriptive catalogue collaborated with Tanaka, but he deals it as a synonym of Typhlonarke tarakea Phillipps, or else Typhlonarke aysoni Hamilton, without any discussions. C. dormitor is well distinguished, however, from each species of the other genus by their generic features referred to eyes, ventrals and tail. The species in question may be said erroneously identified by the second author.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1956-07-15
- イセヱビの研究III : イセヱビの産卵囘數に就いて
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- 再びネムリシビレエイCrassinarke dormitorについて
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