- 論文の詳細を見る
This fossiliferous zone is at the same time an antique Man's site. Once in May, 1927, the very spot was dug by the land-owner in order to make a pool for watering the rice-field. In the cource of the work, people found that a vast amount of bones of unknown animals are imbedded there in the depth of 3-4m. from the surface, and felt disgusted. Accordingly, the attempt was given away and the half made pool was filled up again with siol. Mr. Morisuke Sasaki, a leading authority of the town, being associated by the members of the Young Men's Association and under the supervision of Professor Hiroshi Sone of Tohoku University, undertook and practiced an excavation on Nov. 24th, 1953, for the first time, and secured a lot of animal and plant remains, besides relics. Several days after this excavation, the named porfessor unexpectedly died before his expressed intention to get one of the writers Matsumoto's opinion about th present problem could be realized. Naturally, it has come for Matsumoto to study the problem. The second excavation, with his presence, was done on Feb. 28th, 1954; and additional material was obtained. The third was done on Nov. 4th, 1955; and several days after the excavation, the writers and other coleague visited the place and made a necessary investigation of the fresh material. Megaceros kinryuensis, sp. nov. Antler large, stout and heavy, with the characteristically long and essentially cylindrical shaft of beam between the divide of brow tine and the widening for palmation of crown. Judging from the very long shaft just mentioned, the palmated crown might be less huge than in the European and Chinese Pleistocene congeners. Brown tine flattened and widened, though might be less so than in the Chinense representatives. The gigantic size of deer can be realized from the nasals, which are 175-185mm long, the mandible, the horizontal bars of which are some 455mm, and the lower cheek-tooth series, which are 175-190mm long. Leptobison, g. nov. A genus (or subgenus) of the Bisontines. Cranial portion of skull small and, especially, not very wide. Parietal surface, remaining on upper side, continuous to frontal one. Longskulled or long-faced like the Bovids in general, except Bison. Horn-cores small, short and cylindrical. Biting of cheek-tooth series of both jaws markedly zigzagged in lateral view. Upper cheek-teeth generally longer than wide. Humped at shoulder, the thoracic vertabrae of the corresponding an region having elongated spine. Genotype: Leptobison hanaizumiensis described below. This new genus would include Bison sivalensis Lydekker and Bison palaeosinensis Teilhard de Chardin & Pivetean. Leptobison hanaizumiensis, sp. nov. Cranial portion of skull small, long-skulled or long-faced. Horn-cores small and short; length along upper curve surpassed by the circumference at base; slightly flared backwards; not at all dipped downwards; rather strongly curved, so that their tips are directed upwards; circular in crosssection; not at all flattened at the base. Mandible massive and stout even at the anterior part of the horizontal bar and at the ascending bar. Upper cheek-teeth essentially longer than wide. Cheek-teeth retaining a primitive feature, resembling those of the Bubalines. The fossiliferous zone is judged from the fossil fauna, as well as flora, to be referred to a certain very upper horison of the upper Pliocene Villafrancian.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1956-06-15
- 四國にカモシカあり
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- 鯨二題
- ピルトダウン頭骨に對するオスボーンの見解
- 化石人類と猿類的構造