日本産ブユSimuliidae, Dipteraの生態学的研究 : II.長野県依田窪のブユ相
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1. The authors collected the following ten species of blak flies from three mountain streams situated 600〜1200m. above sea level in Yoda-kubo district of Nagano Pref. We knew that Simulium (S.) arakawae was predominant in this district. 1) Simulium (Simulium) arakawae Matsumura 2) S. (Odagmia) oitanum (Shiraki) 3)S. (O.) ornatum Meigen 4) S. (S.) kawamurae Matsumura 5) S. (O.) bidentatum (Shiraki) 6) S. (Eusimulium) subcostatum (Takahasi) 7) S. (E.) latipes Meigen 8) S. (E.) yamayaense Ogata et Sasa 9) S. (Gnus) malyshevi Dorogostajskii, Rubzov et Vlasenko 10) S. (Nipponosimulium) sp. J-4 2. Simulium (S.) arakawae and Simulium (O.) oitanum are distributed in the plains, streams and hills, and Simulium (E.) yamayaense is distributed in the streams of hills in the other districts commonly, but we collected Simulium (S.) arakawae at 1020m. above sea level, Simulium (O.) oitanum at 1200m. above sea level and Simulium (E.) yamayaense at 1000m. above sea level in the mountain streams of this district. Simulium (S.) kawamurae is distributed in the mountain streams at elevation of approximately 200〜700m. in the other districts. These data in this area are highest record up to the present. It seems that these species have wide horizontal distribution by means of this distribution. 3. It seems that the following six species were collected first in Nagano Pref. 1) Simulium (E.) subcostatum 2) S. (E.) yamayaense 3) S. (O.) bidentatum 4) S. (S.) kawamurae 5) S. (G.) malyshevi 6) S. (Nip.) sp. J-4
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1956-10-15
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