ドブガヒの吸蟲 Aspidogaster conchicola BAER に就て
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The species under consideration was first reported by Prof. T. KAWAMURA in 1915 from Anodonta calypygos KOBELT from Lake Biwa. I have also found it frequently in Anodonta woodiana calypygos and A. woodiana lauta and rarely in Cristaria plicata spatiosa, Hyriopsis schlegeli, Inversidens hirasei, I. reinianus and Viviparus japonicus from near Kyoto. Though it is not quite certain whether or not it is identical with Aspidogaster conchicola in Europe, yet I intend to refer it for the present to this latter species. According to I. and B. BYCHOWSKY (1934), the number of alveoli of the acetabulum varies from 118 to 174 in Aspidogaster conchicola, while in my material it varies from 78 to 102. The number of flame cells on one side is given by STAFFORD (1896) as 972 (=3^5×4) and by FAUST (1922) as 243 (=3^4×3). In my adult specimens, however, it is 810 (=3^4×10).
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1936-02-15
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- ドブガヒの吸蟲 Aspidogaster conchicola BAER に就て
- 本邦産鳥類に於ける吸蟲類の寄生状態概報(I)