卵の着床についての研究I : 哺乳との関係
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It is well known that the nidation or implantation of fertilized ova in the uteri is delayed or very difficult, when mother rats are lactating and nursing their young. The reason of this phenomenon has not yet been elucidated. The authors have indicated in the present paper that the effect is not due to the mechanical injury caused by parturition in mother's uteri, as suggested by Lataste (1891) and others, but mainly due to the effect of the lactation itself. The facts are well demonstrated by the observations that in rats which mated in post-partum oestrus in the absence of their sucklings (forced weaning), the nidation of ova readily took place. Repeated pregnancies could occur as is indicated in the text-figure. On the other hand, if mother rats continued to suckle the young, no nidation of ova occurred in them. (Table 1 & 2)
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1955-05-15
- ハムスターの性現象(IV)卵巣の腎臓被膜下移植 : 雌雄差と幼期去勢の効果(内分泌)
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- 卵の着床についての研究I : 哺乳との関係
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