- 論文の詳細を見る
The present writer has reported that two different kinds of erythrocyte appear in the larval stage of Rana japonica and Rhacophorus schlegelii. One of them is derived from the bloodisland on the yolk-sac in the early stage and is replaced by the other which is originated from the sinus of the mesonephros in the later stage of the larval life. The replacement of the erythrocyte is evident from the fact that the larva of Rana, of which the blood-island was extirpated experimentally, could not survive beyond the stage at which otherwise the erythropoiesis occurs in the sinus of the mesonephros. The extirpation of the blood-island was done after the blood circulation had begun. The same result was obtained in Rhacophorus by the removal of the ectoderm from the position corresponding to the excised region in Rana. The blood-island of Rana is restrieted to only a portion of the ventral surface of the yolk-sac, while in Rhacophorus, it is spread widely. Therefore, it is not the blood-island in itself but the ventral surface of the yolk-sac that seems to have relation with the erythropoiesis of the mesonephros. In the present experiment, an attempt was made to remove the ectoderm in various regions on the yolk-sac of the embryo of Rana japonica at the stage in which the blood circulation had occarred. The results of the experiment revealed the removal of the lateral surface, the anterior or the posterior half of the ventral surface gave no influence on the normal erythropoiesis in the mesonephros. However, in the larvae which lacked the ectoderm of the ventral surface which extends from the liver region to the anus, a serious retardation of the erythropoiesis was observed in the mesonephros without exception, and subsequently these larvae died of the severe anemia at the stage in which the replacement of the erythrocytes takes place. In this case the mesonephros showed a poor development in size, while the mesonephric tubules and the MALPIGHIAN-bodies were normal in every account. In the above operation, the ectoderm of the yolk-sac was apparently removed. Nevertheless, since the underlying mesoderm might be disturbed by this operation, it has not been ascertained thus far whether the extirpated ectoderm of this region is responsible for the disturbance of the erythropoiesis in the mesonephros.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1952-08-15
- 兩棲類幼生に於けるMaximowの"sekundare Erythrocyten"について(形態・細胞・遺傳)
- 綜合討論(生態学・生理学)
- アカウミガメ胚における尾腸と神経腸管との関係(発生学)
- アカウミガメ胚の前腎域にみられる腎単位(発生)
- アカウミガメの前腎(発生)
- アカウミガメ胚からみた爬虫類の第一次・第二次内胚葉(関東支部第24回大会)
- アカウミガメ胚からみた羊膜類の原条(発生)
- アカウミガメ胚からみた爬虫類における内胚葉形成の様式(関東支部第23回大会)
- アカウミガメ胚の原口部の結節の特徴(発生)
- アカウミガメ内胚葉形成からみた陥入と葉裂との関係(発生・内分泌)
- アカウミガメ胚にみられる内胚葉形成の異時性(第21回日本動物学会関東支部大会)
- アカウミガメの脊索中胚葉管下床壁の性質について(遺伝・発生・細胞)
- ウミガメの胚の中胚葉形成(発生)
- アカウミガメ胚の脊索中胚葉管
- アカウミガメの嚢胚形成(形態・内分泌)
- アカウミガメの1卵性双子(発生)
- アカウミガメの神経胚(実験形態・発生)
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- 有尾類幼生期の赤血球
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