- 論文の詳細を見る
Hoplitophrya variabilis n. sp. 120-180μ, spindle-shaped, skeleton needle-formed, macronucleus oval, mi. oval, many contractile va. located on the both sides of ma., from the intestine of Tubifex sp. at Yaku island. Hoplitophrya tubificis n. sp. 295-468μ, width 15-26μ, cylindrical, skeleton horseshoe-shaped, ma. band-shaped, many contractile va. arranged in a row at right side of ma., from the Tubifex hattai. Hoplitophrya lumbriculi n. sp. 168-300μ, width 22-40μ, wedge-formed, skeleton short hook in shape, ma. band or oval in shape, many contractile va. located in the posterior region of body, from the intestine of Lumbriculus sp. at Onomichi. Radiophrya ovata n. sp. 102-212μ, width 44-80μ, long egg-shaped, skeleton short V-shaped, ma. band-shaped, mi. spindle-formed, many contractile va. arranged in a row at the both sides of ma. from the intestine of Pheretima hupeiensis at Yaku island. Radiophrya communissima n. sp. 1-2 mm, width 130μ, cylindrical, skeleton arch-shaped, pyramidskeleton triangular, skeleton-beams 15-17μ in length, ma. band-shaped, many contractile va. arranged in a row at the both sides of ma., from the intestine of Pheretima communissima at Yaku island. Radiophrya rara n. sp. 1-2 mm, width 31-58μ, cylinder-shaped, skeleton V-shaped, ma. band, mi. spindle, skeleton-beams short, many contractile va. arranged in a row at the both sides of the ma., from the intestine of Pheretima yamada at Onomichi. Radiophrya ozakii n. sp. 800-3000μ, width 125-137μ, cylinder-shaped, skeleton triangular-shaped, skeleton-beams 5μ in length, ma. band, mi. spindle, many contractile va. arranged in a row at the both sides of ma., from the intestine of Pherelima sieboldi at Kochi (Shikoku). Maupasella pheretimae n. sp. 74-142μ, width 27-51μ, oval, skeleton funnell-shaped, four fibers closed to posterior margin of the skeleton, ma. band-shaped, mi. spindle-shaped, many contractile va. arranged in a row at both sides of ma., from the intestine of Pheretima communissima at Yaku island. Maupasella cylindri n. sp. 105-110μ, width 20μ, ellipsoid, skeleton prickle-shaped, may fibers short closed to the basis of skeleton, ma., band-shaped, mi. spindle-shaped, many contractile va. arranged in a row at the both sides of ma., from the intestine of Pheretima communissima at Yaku island. Intoshellina limnodrili n. sp. 200-244μ, width 73-93μ, oval, skeleton neck-shaped, six prickel skeleton short connected with skeleton, projected 3 of them to the body surface and penetrated another 3 of them in the cytoplasm, ma. band-shaped, mi. oval, many contractile va. arranged in a row at the both sides of ma., from the intestine of Limnodrilus sp. at Hiroshima. Anoplophrya gigantea n. sp. 320-344μ, width 130-142μ, oval, ma. band-shaped, mi. spindle-shaped, many contractile va. scattered in the posterior region of body, from the intestine of Pheretima communissima at Yaku island.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1952-01-15
- ゾウリムシ大核の人工的崩壞(細胞・形態・原生動物)
- 綜合討論(実験形態・原生動物)
- Euplotes(纎毛虫)の接合完了体の形態形成について(細胞・形態・原生動物)
- ミミズに寄生するPtychostomumについて
- Euplotes patella(繊毛虫)の特殊株の交配殺戮(生理・原生生物)
- コナミドリムシ(原生動物, 鞭毛虫)の交配型(予報)(形態学・原生動物学)
- 繊毛虫Euplotes patellaの2 syngensにおける接合核変化のDNA量の比較(細胞学)
- Euplotes patella(繊毛虫)の接合における小核の変化とその DNA 量について(細胞学)
- Euplotes patella(繊毛虫)におけるF_1クロンの小核DNA量(細胞学)
- 繊毛虫Euplotes patellaにおける小核の大きさの変異とそのDNA量について(細胞学)
- Euplotes patella(繊毛虫)における大核原基の成長について(細胞学)
- Euplotes patellaにおけるmo-系統の細胞環について(細胞)
- ユープロテス パテラ(繊毛虫)における鎖体形質について(遺伝学)
- Euplotes patella(繊毛虫)における表層構造の不安定な株の特徴(分類)
- ユープロテス(繊毛虫)において, 無大核体および大きさのことなる大核をもつ細胞を生産する系統(発生)
- ユープロテス(繊毛虫)の老化株の接合における小核の行動(細胞)
- ユープロテス(繊毛虫)における大核原基の発育(細胞・形態)
- ユープロテス(繊毛虫)の老化株にみられる受精後の核分化異常(中国四国支部大会)
- ユープロテス(繊毛虫)の系統の小核(細胞・遺伝)
- ユープロテス(繊毛虫)における高齢分枝系の特徴
- Euplotes patella(せん毛虫)におけるF_1分枝系の青年期の交配型(遺伝・細胞・生態)
- ユープロテス(繊毛虫)の接合異常(細胞・遺伝)
- 繊毛虫Euplotesにおける接合完了体の大核原基崩壊(分類・原虫)
- 繊毛虫Euplotes patellaの核量増加と交配型の安定性(分類・形態・原虫)
- 繊毛虫Euplotes patellaの老化について(遺伝・細胞)
- Euplotes eurystomusの交配反応と光線の関係(全分科)
- EuplotesのCytogamyについて(形態・細胞・遺傳)
- Astomata (Cilliata, Protozoa)について : (3)固着器官及び増殖について
- Astomataについて(第2報)
- EuplotesのConjugationについて(豫報)
- Astomata (Ciliata, Protozoa)について(第1報)
- 海水に對するParamecium caudatumの適應に就て