- 論文の詳細を見る
Frog tadpoles die in a very dilute solution of emetine hydrochloride (1/100 mg per cent for the internal gill stage) with distinct lag time, which cannot be less than 24 hours even for the concentration of 40 mg per cent. In the external gill stage they are markedly resistant (about 100 times more so) and in still earlier stages practically indifferent to the concentration as high as 40 mg per cent. About these peculiarities of emetine death, reports have been made on several occasions in this journal (Dobutsugaku Zasshi. '47-'49. 57. 179, 180, ; 58. 11, 12, 158.) The first change observed in the course of emetine death is the selective destruction of dividing nuclei appearing in 6 to 12 hours, while the majority of resting nuclei remains intact. In spite of the general decrease of mitotic indices almost to zere, there are found a small portion of cells from skin, neural tube and limb buds, which continue to divide during the whole period. Measurements showed that in the case of epithelial tissue these cells were increased in the external gill stage 10 times as much as in the internal gill stage. On the other hand it was noticed that only a few hours treatment in emetine solution was dufficient to cause emetine death with lag time of the similar order as in the ordinary case. In present report the author intends to show that such a death is delayed when emetine is applied with KCN, Vitamine C or insufficient oxygen supply. There is another mode of retarding the death, in which the larvae are treated in a solution of trypaflavine or chloretone after the emetine adminstration.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1950-07-15
- 「Emetin死」に關する研究 第1報 : おたまじゃくしに於ける「Emetin死」の特性
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