両生類解離胚細胞の周転運動 : 特に運動速度について
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The "circus movement" of lobopodia exhibited by isolated embryonic cells (blastula, gastrula and neurula) in three species of amphibia (Xenopus laevis, Bufo bufo japonicus and Cynops phrrhogaster) was investigated by the aid of time-lapse cinematography. The process of circus movement was subdivided into three steps: blebbing, jumping of the blebs and successive propagation of lobopodia around the cell circumference. The linear velocity of the final step of the movement was measured. Both the propagation velocity and the height of lobopodium increased slightly as the cell diameter increased. During a typical circus movement the velocity fluctuated within a certain range. When the cell diameter was about 40μm, the mean velocities f the movement were 1.6μm/sec in Xenopus, 0.8μm/sec in Bufo and 1.5μm/sec in Cynops. The differences among species in the velocity of their circus movements did not necessarily correlate with differences in the speed of development or in the propagation velocity of cleavage furrow.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1976-06-25
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