- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Galeocerdo rayneri MacDonald & Barron A female, abot 3000mm long. Kochi market. 2. Diaphus agassizi Gilbert One, 75mm long. Mimase market, near Kochi. D. 14; A. 14; L. 1. 38. Head 3.5 in length; depth 4.5; eye 4 in head; snout 6. Photophores: ventrals 4, anals 4+6, precaudals 4. Color blackish brown. 3. Dasyscopelus spinosus (Steindachner) A mutilated specimen, 70mm long. Mimase market, near Kochi. D. 13; A. 16; L. 1. 40. Head 4 in length; depth 4.1; eye 3.2 in head; snout 7.5. Photophores: ventrals 4, anals 7+5, precaudals 2. Color dark blue above, dark with silvery sheen below. 4. Pisodonophis boro (Hamilton-Buchanan) (Fig. 1) One, 710mm long. Kochi market. Head 12.5 in length; depth 39; head 3.9 in trunk; eye 14 in head; snout 7; eye 2 in snout. Color greenish yellow above, with many minute black spots, lighter below. Dorsal with a dark edging. 5. Gymnothorax richardsoni (Bleeker) (Fig. 2) One, 650mm long. Okinoshima. Head. 8.6 in length; depth 16; head 2.7 in trunk; eye 10.4 in head; snout 5; eye 2.1 in snout. Maxillary with a series of 12 strong teeth; mandibulary teeth in a single row, 11 on each side. Color yellowish brown generally, a little paler on belly; about 30 blackish irregular transverse narrow bands, partly joined. 6. Variola flavimarginata (Ruppell) A single specimen, 145mm long. Okinoshima. D. IX, 14; A. III, 8; L. 1. ca. 120. Head 2.6 in length; depth 3; eye 4.7 in head. It has the general form of Variola louti (Forskal), but a very different coloration, there being a broad black band along the upper part of the side of head and body. 7. Lepidaplois diana (Lacepede) One, 135mm long. Okinoshima. D. XII, 10; A. III, 12; L. 1. 32. Head 2.9 in length; depth 3; eye 5.4 in head. Color largely tawny olive. Along bases of dorsals above lateral line 3 small, pale rounded spots; a small black spot at the base of last dorsal ray; caudal with a rounded black basal spot; anal with 2 black blotches at the base; ventral with a large black median blotch.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1940-11-15
- トカラのベラ科魚類(組織・實驗形態・遺傳)
- 日本のホカケトラギス科(Bembropidae)(生理・発生・実験形態・生化学・分類・生態)
- 奄美のベラ科魚類(分類学・形態学・原生動物学)
- 本邦産キホウボウ科の魚類の分類
- 紀州及び土佐の珍稀魚類
- 高知縣産魚類の七稀種
- 土佐産魚類の九稀種
- 土佐産魚類の2稀種
- 日本産魚類の數稀種と1新種
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(X)
- 魴〓科の1新魚に就て
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(IX)
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(VIII)
- 再び魚類の畸形其他に就て
- 的鯛科の一新魚に就て
- 魚類の畸形其他二三の觀察
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(VII)
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(VI)
- 魚類個體變異の二三の例
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(V)
- 日本産魚類の一新種
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(IV)
- 鰻の熟卵
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(III)
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(II)
- 高知市附近の魚類追記(1)
- 高知市附近の魚類
- 土佐柏島附近採集魚
- 土佐西南諸島採集記