汽水産有孔蟲類の研究 : II.八郎潟: III.湖山池
- 論文の詳細を見る
1.Hachiro-Gata situated at the foot of the Ojika Peninsula is a lagoon formed by two sand-banks, covering the area of 233km^2 and having the greatest depth of 4.7m which is next to lake Biwa in Japan. Koyama-Ike is 6.7km^2 in area and 9m in the greatest depth. This small brackish lake is lacated near Tottori City, and is connected with the mouth of Sendai River. These two lakes are almost scarcely affected by sea tides of the Japan Sea, especially Hachiro-Gata is nearly fresh except the region near the outlet. In Hachiro-Gata the collections were made in the pasage (I) connecting it with the sea and at the station (III) 4km apart form the outlet (II) where the material was also taken. The depth of these stations was 3m, and 3.5m respectively, and the salinity of surface water was 3.59% at the outlet, but was not calculated at the station in the lake, at which surface water was quite fresh. In Koyama-Ike four seattered collecting points as shown in Fig.1 were selected (I-IV). They were variable 2.2-1.0m in depth and 4.02-4.71% in the salinity of surface water from the central area of the lake to the ditch. 2.There have been found only four species of brackish water foraminifera from Hachiro-Gata and 23 forms (Table 2) form Koyama-Ike. The latter lake is more suitable for life of more brackish water foraminifera than in the former beacuse of a comparatively greater sea-water content. 3.Haplophragmoides canariensis (d'ORBIGNY) (Fig.3) and Miliammina obliqua HERONALLEN & EARLAND (Fig.4, 7) were examined from Hachiro-Gata, and from Koyama-Ike Proteonina difflugiformis var. limnetica n. var. (Fig.5), M. fusca (BRADY) (Fig.6.), and M. obliqua were observed as species adequated to brackish waters of low salinity. All of these species arenaceous. H. canariensis seems to have the highest adaptation for fresh waters among them because it is prolific in Hachiro-Gata. 4.In general, some special forms alone exceedingly inerease among brackish foraminifera.
- 1937-10-15
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