汽水産有孔蟲類の研究 : I.火散布沼及び藻散布沼
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The present paper is based upon a study of the foraminifera from Hijirippu and Mochirippu Lakes and is the first attempt to report upon the foraminifea occurring in the Japanese brackish waters. 1. These two brackish lakes are situated side by side on the Pacific coast of eastern Hokkaido. Their outlets into the sea are sometimes closed by sand, and consequently salinity of the lake-waters varies considerably (12.0-33.5%). These lakes are shallow and their muddy bottoms are covered with luxuriant growth of sea-grass and-weeds. The temperature of the water in these lakes is usually higher than that of the sea in summer, but their surfaces are frozen in winter, so that temperature changes are more usual in the water of these lakes than in the open sea. 2. From these brackish lakes 35 shallow water forms of foraminifera were collected at 13 different points, of which 6 were in Hijirippu Lake and 7 in Mochirippu Lake. Of the total number of forms, the following seven are characteristic of these Lakes: Ammobaculites agglutinans (D'ORBIGNY), A. americanus CUSHMAN var., Miliammina fusca (BRADY), M. arenacea (CHAPMAN), Quinqueloculina boueana D'ORBIGNY, Trochammina nitida BRADY, Rotalia beccarii (LINNE). These forms are not generally found in the sea near the lakes, but the other 28 species are common both to the lakes and to the sea-waters. In general, it may be said that the foraminifera peculiar to these brackish lakes are distributed in the inner parts of the lakes, whilst the common forms were detected in the material collected near their outlets. Also 3 species characteristic to these lakes were collected from the bottom of the riever which empties itself into Mochirippu Lake near its mouth, where salinity was determined to be 2.20% on the surface and 28.86% at the bottom at a depth of 1.2m at the time the collection was made. Of the above mentioned species, Q. boueana, M. fusca, and A. agglutinans are abundant, but M. arenacea s rather rare n these lakes. T. nitida was frequently observed in the material obtaned from the inner part of Mochirippu Lake, but sees to be very rare in Hijirippu Lake. Of the foraminifera common to brackish and sea-waters. Eponides frigida CUSHMAN, Buliminella elegantissima D'ORBIGNY, and Nonion depressulum (WALKER & JACOB) were found to occur often in the collections made near the mouths of these lakes, but N. depressulum, Elphidium crispum (FICHTEL & MOLL) and E. excavatum (TERQUEM) were found even in their central parts. Most species of the for miniera of these brackish lakes, including a single pelagic form, Globigerina bulloides D'ORBIGNY, are cosmopolitan and some of them are inhabitants of cold waters. 3. The central parts of these lakes seem to favourably suited for the life of the forms which are characteristic of these brackish lakes. 4. All the foraminifera found in these brackish lakes are immigrants or the descendants of previous immigrants from the sea that have become adapted to live in the brackish waters.
- 1936-10-15
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