鷄に於ける性轉換の實驗的研究 : I.卵巣割去により生ずる代償的生殖腺及びその内分泌機能と性徴の變化に就て
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1. The experiments were undertaken to observe the sex-reversal in the pure-bred Silver Duckwing Game Bantam fowl. Six birds ovariotomized in May, 1934, have been kept under observation, and the transformations occurred in their sexual characters during the past eighteen months (May, 1934-October, 1935) are described with special reference to the endocrine functions of the regenerated gonads. The results obtained have the general agreement with those of the previous works in other breeds, mainly in the brown Leghorn fowls, by various investigators. 2. Following the sinistral ovariotomy, the testis-like gonad developed compensatorily on the right site in each of six birds (Nos. 79, 63, 76, 185, 73, and 184) in two (Nos. 79 and 184) of which the testis-like gonads were also found on the left sites. 3. The compensatory hypertrophied testis-like gonad was partially removed more than twice in each individual, and was examined histologically; it was composed of sex-cords, immature seminiferous tubules and intratubular tissue, but no sex-cells were found in those examined pieces. 4. The body weight of the ovariotomized birds became heavier than that of the normal hens, even though it was lighter than that of the cock. And the poulards were always distinctly inferior in body size to the cock or capon. 5. The head furnishings grew larger than those of the normal hen, except in one case, i. e., No. 184, in which they retained the capon-like condition as described below. But in all cases they could never reach the male size. 6. Spurs were found to develop in all cases. The comparatively well developed ones were found on Nos. 79 and 184, which retained their male plumages longer than the other individuals. 7. Under the gonadless condition after the ovariotomy, the plumage became male, but sooner or later, varying in different individuals, it reverted to the female-featherings in birds, Nos. 79, 63, 76, 185 and 73; the intervals between the full masculinization of breast-feathers and their subsequent feminization being 382, 95, 199, 175 and 143 days, respectively. 8. The gynandromorphic bipartite feathers, which have female tips and male bases, developed following the regeneration of the compensatory testis-like gonad. The gynandromorphic coloration of the feathers were most frequently and distinctly observed on the breast; and in the course of the reversion, the developing breast-feathers and wing-coverts obtained a characteristic dark reddish brown color till they completely reverted to that of the famale. This color pattern could not be obseved in the contrast, breast-feathers of normal male being black and those of normal female light salmon, and so it may be regarded as intermediate in their sex-dimorphism. The developing feathers on the other parts of the body, such as neck, back, and saddle, showed the intermediate characters in their forms as well as their colorations. 9. In No. 73, the testis-like gonad was removed again when the bird had the head furnishings of male type and the reversed female plumage. Following this operation, head furnishings reduced in size to the appearance of that of the capon, and the male feathers began to grow simultaneously. 10. In No. 184, an ovotestis regenerated on the right site after the ovariotomy, and slight feminizing effects were observed on the growing feathers, but after its removal the testis-like gonad regenerated on the same site and the feathers changed gradually to those of the male. On account of the presence of the testis-like gonads, the head furnishings and the plumage of this bird retained the capon-like conditions. 11. The behavior of these birds became intermediate rather than masculine, but among them the bird No. 79, crowed and fought with other males as normal males do. 12. These transformations occurred in the operated birds (except in No. 184) may be regarded as the responses for the male and female hormones produced by the compensatory testis-like gonads. More fundamental pro
- 1936-03-15
- 鶏に於ける性轉換の實驗的研究III : 精巣様生殖腺の雌雄同體性
- 鶏に於ける性轉換の實驗的研究 : II.卵巣割去後生じたる精巣樣生殖腺の若雄去勢鶏への移植及び両性生殖腺の交換移植が第二次性徴に及ぼす影響に就て
- 鷄に於ける性轉換の實驗的研究 : I.卵巣割去により生ずる代償的生殖腺及びその内分泌機能と性徴の變化に就て