鶏に於ける性轉換の實驗的研究 : II.卵巣割去後生じたる精巣樣生殖腺の若雄去勢鶏への移植及び両性生殖腺の交換移植が第二次性徴に及ぼす影響に就て
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1. The right testis-like gonad compensatorily hypertrophied following the sinistral ovariotomy in a Silver Duckwing Game Bantam pullet GG1 was removed when the bird grew to have the masculinized head furnishings and the reverted female feathering (fig. 1) (NISHIDA, '36); the whole gonadal tissue removed was cut into two pieces and both of them were grafted separately into the body of a young capon A8, 58 days old; one of the grafts was transplanted subcutaneously into the right axilla and the other into the right site of the gonad, immediately after the castration of this young bird. 2. At the time of operation, the black feathers characteristic of males were found on the breast of the bird A8, but the head furnishings were still in juvenile condition. 3. Though the bird died 16 days after operation, and no further observations were possible to be made, the gynandromorphic tripartite feathers could be found to develop on the breast of the bird, i. e., the gynandromorphic feather had a central transverse bar grayish white characteristic of females with both distal and proximal areas black, the color characteristic of males (fig. 3). The head furnishings slightly increased in size. 4. The postmortem examination revealed that the grafts were going to atrophy in the tissue of the host. 5. The hetero-sexual gonad transplantation was performed in the individuals of the same breed, to comfirm the existence of the equipotentiality (ZAWADOWSKY, '22) which enables the soma of either sex to have the characters of opposite sex under the influence of sex hormones: a) The bird GG1, zygotic female, which had been in complete gonadless condition after the removal of testis-like gonad (fig. 2), received two testis grafts into the sites of gonads, and male head furnishings and male feathering developed on the body of this bird (fig. 4), though the latter is to be seen to develop on the body of ovariotomized birds in gonadless condition without any effect of the male hormone. b) The bird GJ4, zygotic male, on the other hand, after the castration of both testes, received a single ovary graft into the site of right gonad, and female head furnishings and female feathering developed (figs. 5 and 6); the grafted ovary was obtained from a normal hen of about 400 days of age and resting in egg laying. 6. The gynandromorphic characters were found in a capon A8 (fig. 3) in consequence of the implantaion of testis-like gonad, as well as in the sex-reversed birds GG1 (fig. 1) in this experiment and Nos. 79, 63, 76, 185 and 73 in the previous work (NISHIDA, '36), in consequence of the development of testis-like gonad. And so it was not found in these experiments that the genetic constitution as female causes the soma to react by female feathering in the presence of testis-like gonad in sex-reversed birds (LILLIE, '27, p. 188). In the hen-feathered cock, e. g., the Sebright Bantam cock, however, the hen-feathering is considered, according to some other investigators (ROXAS, '27; KRIZENECKY, '34), to be formed in the presence of the male hormone through the special mode of response of the soma of this breed of fowl. But, as such special mode of response of the soma was not found in the present case, it seems reasonable to conclude that the gynandromorphic feature of the external sexual characters of the birds above mentioned develop under the influence of the testis-like gonad which is hermaphroditic in an endocrine nature. Because of this hermaphroditic nature, the testis-like gonad may be distinguished from the testis of the hen-feathered cock as well as that of the normal cock.
- 1936-12-15
- 鶏に於ける性轉換の實驗的研究III : 精巣様生殖腺の雌雄同體性
- 鶏に於ける性轉換の實驗的研究 : II.卵巣割去後生じたる精巣樣生殖腺の若雄去勢鶏への移植及び両性生殖腺の交換移植が第二次性徴に及ぼす影響に就て
- 鷄に於ける性轉換の實驗的研究 : I.卵巣割去により生ずる代償的生殖腺及びその内分泌機能と性徴の變化に就て