- 論文の詳細を見る
Diffusion of iodide anion in rock pore water was studied in order to evaluated diffusivity of "non-sorbing" radionuclides in rockmatrix. Effective diffusion coefficients of iodide anion were measured, using a simple diffusion cell, on granite and tuff samples, which were selected as typical homogeneous rocks having different porosities. Effective diffusion coefficients of iodide anion were about 2 X 10^(-12) m^2/s for granite samples and about 7 X 10^(-11) m^2/s for tuff samples. The porosities, determined by a water saturation method, of the granite and the tuff samples were about O.8% and 25%, respectively. The effective diffusion coefficient of iodide anion was much larger in the tuff sample than in the granite sample. This fact can be understood by the difference in their porosities.
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
- 1989-06-25
岩井 孝幸
(株)熊谷組 土木本部 土木技術部 リニューアルグループ
喜多 治之
岩井 孝幸
中嶋 悟
喜多 治之
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