- 論文の詳細を見る
A selt-potential survey was carried out in the Onikobe geothermal area, Miyagi prefecture, in 1983. It has already been reported that the data obtained is well interpreted by using an inclined plate model or Corwin model, and that SP anomalies seen in the Onikobe geothermal area may be related to faults. Although these techniques are useful, they provide little information on the source mechanism. Therefore a new method for the investigation of self-potential based on induced current sources is discussed in this paper. The potential field based on induced current sources due to primary flow proposed by Sill is calculated with the FEM method. In that case, it is assumed that locations of thermal sources are roughly consistent with known faults, and temperatures at arbitrary depths can be estimated from well-logging data. The potential field generated by point sources of the primary flow is compared with actual profiles. The result of D_3 survey line can be interpreted in terms of the distribution of the induced current sources caused by the primary flow. On the other hand, the effect of a streaming potential may be included for B survey line, because the data shows the sinusoidal variation. It is therefore difficult that SP anomalies are correctly explained only by the thermal source model. However the fitness between both curves can be fairly well improved, if the effect of sources added newly near the surface between each fault are considered for the B survey line. This means that a source, possibly related to a streaming potential, may be considered in the Onikobe geothermal area accompaning the flow of hot water.
- 一般社団法人日本応用地質学会の論文
- 1987-03-25
横山 秀吉
阿部 司
武井 浩之
阿部 司
阿部 司
武井 浩之
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