繊毛虫Condylostoma sp.の飢餓状態における形態学的観察 : I.光学顕微鏡的観察
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The ciliate, Condylostoma sp., which was held in artificial brackish water containing no food substance and kept in a starved condition, was studied under a light microscope with particular reference to its macronuclear changes. The macronucleus is elongate, moniliform, and usually consists of from 15 to 23 beads of chromatin mass tied up in a string, the beads characteristic ally being arranged in two closely packed groups in both the peristomal and trunk regions. The macronucleus usually divides and sometimes undergoes physiological reorganization owing to in sufficient nourishment or other causes. The writer found that, on the on hand, when an organism in the early interdivisional stage is starved as described above, it shows nuclear changes resembling those of physiological reorganization; while on the other hand, when an organism in the later interdivisional stage is starved (though a considerable quantity of food is necessary to be taken prior to division) it undergoes nuclear changes similar to those of division. The author traced in detail the nuclear changes of both conditions and found that these changes ceased and death resulted in both cases just before the aggregating period of nuclear beads, the middle stage of nuclear change which always occurs in both division and physiological reorganization. Moreover, the nucleus of a starved organism was found to take 380 hours to reach the aggregating period in a nucleus about to undergo either division or physiological reorganization as against only 4 hours necessary for the normal organism. In conclusion, a surprisingly long time is required for the starved organism to complete its nuclear changes compared with the normal organism.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1964-03-15
- 繊毛虫condylostoma sp.の飢餓状態における形態学的観察 : II.電子顕微鏡的観察
- 繊毛虫Condylostoma sp.の飢餓状態における形態学的観察 : I.光学顕微鏡的観察
- 飢餓状態における繊毛虫Condylostoma sp.の微細構造の変化(形態・分類)
- ツリガネムシの生活環中における大核の変化