- 論文の詳細を見る
Adult female rats were spayed and, with the aid of a stereotaxic instrument, a small ovarian fragment was autotransplanted into the hypothalamus or forebrain. The animals were sacrificed six to seven weeks after operation. Brain, pituitary, thyroids and adrenals were taken out and fixed in Bouin's fluid. Sections of the anterior pituitary glands were stained by the Azan, AF or PAS method. In the anterior pituitaries of castrated and sham-operated animals, basophilic cells (aniline blue-and PAS-positive, AF-negative) were hypertrophied and increased in number and some of them had been transformed into "castration cells." However, these changes failed to occur in the anterior pituitary of those animals bearing an ovarin graft in the ventral part of the middle hypothalamus (near the nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami and the nucleus arcuatus hypothalami), even if the amount of estrogen secreted by the graft was too small to produce any stimulating effect on the reproductive organ of the hosts (Fig. 2). In animals bearing an ovarian graft in the dorsal part of the hypothalamus (in the nucleus dorsolateralis hypothalami), the anterior or posterior hypothalamus (near the nucleus mamillaris lateralis) the thalamus or the forebrain (Fig. 1), estrogen from the grafts could not prevent castration changes in the anterior pituitary of the host animals. These results seem to suggest that nervous elements susceptible to changes in the blood level of estrogen are located near the ventral part of the middle hypothalamus.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1962-10-15
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