- 論文の詳細を見る
In late autumn, the larvae of Hestina japonica are bright green in color, but when they enter the wintering stage the larvae turn brown. When the green larvae are ligatured at the level between the head and the thorax (Fig. 1), the thorax and the abdomen or the second and the third abdominal segments, the anterior part remained green in color, while the posterior up to the ligature turned brown. If a ligature is applied between the sixth and the seventh abdominal segments, the anterior part of all individuals became brown-colored. The posterior part also turned brown in a majority of cases, but in a few individuals its green coloration remained unchanged (Fig. 3). Following simultaneous ligations at two levels, i. e., between the head and the thorax and the abdomen (Fig. 2, left), or between the thorax and the abdomen and the second and the third abdominal segments (Fig. 2, right), the anterior and the middle parts remained green-colored while the posterior part turned brown. These results seem to suggest that the center involved in inducing brown coloration in wintering larvae is located between the third and the sixth abdominal segments. All the hitherto known endocrine organs, i. e., the brain, the brain, the corpora cardiaca, the corpora allata and the prothoracic glands seem to play no direct part in the phenomenon.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1962-06-15
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