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The effects of desoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA), sodium chloride (NaCl), or both (DOCA+NaCl) on the testes and accessory sex organs in male rats were investigated histologically and quantitatively at the 11th or the 12th week after the beginning of treatment. Hypertension was observed in the group treated with DOCA+NaCl, but did not appear in the other groups, Histological changes in the testes were observed in the two groups treated with NaCl alone or DOCA+NaCl, especially in the latter; these changes led to the detachment of the basement membrane from germ cells, the disturbance of the arrangement of the spermatogenic cell population and the existence of degenerate germ cells in the lumen. In the quantitative analysis of each normal germ cell population, the decrease of spermatozoa was noted in the two groups described above. The results indicate that the effects of DOCA or NaCl alone on the testes are relatively weak, but the damage to the testes increases remarkably in the rats receiving both DOCA and NaCl. The weights of the seminal vesicles and prostate in the three experimental groups showed a significant decrease as compared with those of the control group. From the decrease of the accessory sex organ weights, it is suggested that DOCA, NaCl, or both, interfere with androgen production.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1976-09-25
高橋 政教
高橋 政教
板垣 源太郎
板垣 源太郎
高橋 守
高橋 守
弘前大学理学部生物学教室 : (現)埼玉県立富士見高等学校
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