モザイク解析によるカイコの発生運命予定域の研究 : I. 体節表皮および神経節
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Among modern biological methods, genetic mosaics provide a unique opportunity to analyse the developmental processes. Mosaic individuals of the silkworm were obtained by the supercooling method. Although the distribution patterns of genotypes in egg-color mosaics were different from each other and dividing lines of mosaicism fell on the egg at random, anteroposteriorly, the patterns of egg-color mosaicism occurred asymmetrically in regard to the dorsoventral axis of the egg. The mosaic areas were large and uniform in genotype in all mosaics of egg-color, larval epidermis, larval ganglia and other tissues observed. So it was concluded that by the supercooling treatment two different genotypic first cleavage nuclei were formed, divided at the same rate, and that there was little mixing of nuclei during syncytial divisions and migration to the surface. A fate map of the segments of the silkworm was prepared by the genotypes of mosaic epidermis and that of ganglia was also prepared by their pigments selfconsistently. It was found that segments and ganglia were line up in order from the anterior to posterior end of the fate map. The fate map constructed by mosaic analysis coincided with the classical fate map of the germ layer of the silkworm by Takami using the method of microcautery.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1980-09-25
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- モザイク解析によるカイコの発生運命予定域の研究 : I. 体節表皮および神経節
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