ICP 発光分光分析法および蛍光X線分光分析法による象牙とマンモスの牙の簡易識別法
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In order to establish the discrimination method between mammoth tusk and elephant tusk, the determination of Sr and Ca in ash obtained from their tusks was carried out by ICP atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Relationship between the weight ratio of Sr and Ca determined by ICP-AES and the peak intensity ratio of Sr and Ca measured by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRFS) was also discussed . Twelve kinds of elephant tusks and sixteen kinds of mammoth tusks (including two kinds of Canadian mammoth tusks) were used in this experiment. The content of Sr and Ca in tusks were determined with a model SPS 7000 ICP-AE Spectrometer. The XRF spectra of tusks were measured with a wave length dispersive XRF spectrometer (target:W). The tusks were converted to ash at 750℃ for about 5 hours and then the ash were dissolved in 10ml of HCl(1+2) and 2ml of HNO_3(1+1). The composition of elephant tusk is similar to that of mammoth tusk. However, contents of Sr in mammoth tusks differs to that in elephant tusks. The weight ratio (Sr/Ca) in mammoth tusks is about 0.3 to 1.1(x10^<-3>). On the other hand, the weight ratio in elephant tusks are about 0.8 to 4.0(xl0^<-3>), and the ratio are higher than the ratio of mammoth tusks. The relationship between the weight ratio of Sr/Ca measured by ICP-AES and the peak intensity ratio of Sr/Ca measured by XRFS was shown to be linear. This method was applied to the discrimination of elephant tusks from mammoth tusks. It was found that this method is applicable to simple and rapid discrimination between the two kinds of tusks.
- 宝石学会(日本)の論文
- 1991-07-30
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