The Determination of the Evoked Potential Generating Mechanism Based on Radial Basis Neural Network Model
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This paper investigates the modeling of nonlinearity on the generation of the single trial evoked potential signal (s-EP) by means of using a mixed radial basis function neural network (M-RBFN). The more emphasis is put on the contribution of spontaneous EEG term to s-EP signal. The method is based on a nonlinear M-RBFN neural network model that is trained simultaneously with the different segments of EEG/EP data. Then, the output of the trained model (estimator) is a both fitted and reduced (optimized) nonlinear model and then provide a global representation of the passage dynamics between spontaneous brain activity and poststimulus periods. The performance of the proposed neural network method is evaluated using a realistic simulation and applied to a real EEG/EP measurement.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2000-09-25
Kosugi Yukio
Frontier Collaborative Research Center Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Department of Computer Engineering, Kultur University
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Bogazici
Gulcur Halil
Department Of Biomedical Engineering University Of Bogazici
Demirer Rustu
Department Of Computer Engineering Kultur University
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