New Methods of Generating Primes Secure against Both P - 1 and P + 1 Methods (Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications)
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Since cryptosystem based on the problem of factoring the composite number N can be attacked with P - 1 and P + 1 methods, it is required that P - 1 and P + 1 should be difficult to be factored into many small primes, where we assume that the P is a factor of N. In this paper, first, we consider the distribution of secure primes against both P - 1 and P + 1 methods. Second, we propose two efficient algorithms for generating secure primes against both P - 1 and P + 1 methods by extending the trial division method.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 1999-10-25
Murakami Y
Forum Advanced Information Technology Murata Machinery Co. Ltd.
Kasahara Masao
Department Of Electronics And Information Science Faculty Of Engineering And Design Kyoto Institute
Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba
SATO Yoshizo
Department of Electronics and Information Science, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kyoto Institut
Murakami Yasuyuki
Department Of Chemistry University Of Tsukuba
Sato Yoshizo
Department Of Electronics And Information Science Faculty Of Engineering And Design Kyoto Institute
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