耐洗濯性防炎加工の性能向上に関する研究 : 助剤の添加効果
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It is an urgent problem to establish the most favorable condition for the preparation of flame retardant materials, especially clothes and beddings for the security of our daily life. Therefore, the present studies were focused on the improvement of performance of durable flame retardant finishes adopting Pyrovatex (Py), a most widely used durable flame retardant. Investigations were carried out in detail with additives containing nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P)and sulfur (S) to establish the most favorable conditions for the most desirable flame retardant finish.The results are summarized as follows: Approximately 32% was regarded as a possible best condition for Py but it also required additions of compounds containing N and P or S. The most recommendable Condition for Py based durable flame retardant finish was obtained by combining 8% hexamethylol melamine, 1% urea,0.5% ammonium chloride and 2% phosphoric acid with 32% Py. Addition of sulfamic acid improved the crease recovery as well as the flame retardancy, but its concentration was limited to 0.5% because of a competitive effect with N compounds, In conclusion, it was found that N was a dominant element for the synergistic effect of N and P or S on the flame retardancy of cellulosic fibers. The most favorable results were obtained by combination of 20-30 mg of N and 10 mg of P per g of sample.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1991-01-15
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