樹脂加工セルロースに対する熱処理効果 (第1報) : 赤外線吸収スペクトルにみられる構造変化
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The infrared absorption spectrum of every sample has shown that an initial change in the spectrum is observed by appearance of an absorption at approximately 1700 cm^<-1> at respective temperatures with production of carbonyl group in the process of thermolysis. Such temperature corresponds to the weight loss onset points on TGA curves after evaporation of water. TGA curves showed gradual proceedings of dehydration and oxidation to reach the thermal decompotion onset point. But the skeletal structure of the molecule still remains undamaged at this onset temperature, and the substantial breakdown of the skeletal structure of the molecule is brought about in the temperature range where the rate of thermal decomposition reaches maximum. The results obtained from cotton and viscose finished with the same resin of glyoxal type have evidenced that temperatures for the thermal decomposition onset and destruction of the molecular structures shift to higher range in the case of cotton substrate. Such phenomenon is probably attributed to the fact that the thermal decomposition of resin finished cellulosic materials is dominated by contribution of degrees of polymerization and crystallization of cellulosic substrate when resin and substrate mutually have a chemical interaction to each other.
- 1991-02-15
- 樹脂加工セルロースに対する熱処理効果 (第1報) : 赤外線吸収スペクトルにみられる構造変化
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