- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to make a scale with which to measure the distress of the married couple and to analyze its causes. The sample consists of 836 middle aged women with husband and children. The children are either studying at or recently graduated from universities in Gunma. The survey was conducted from July to August 1997. The method of Multivariate Classification Analysis was used, and the main findings are as follows. 1) Fifty point five percent of wives answered in the negative to a questionnaire item of "feel happy when I pass the time together with husband," and 10 to 20% answered in the affirmative to the items related to negative feelings toward husband. 2) The causal factors on wife's distress are the companionship pattern between husband and wife, the balance of mutual services between husband and wife, the combination pattern of husband participating in child care and helping housework, the pattern of attitude to division of labor between husband and wife, the wife's role identity, the dependence on wife in housework, the wife's working career, and the experience of menopausal disorders.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1999-08-15
- 大学生の性役割意識についての日台比較
- 中学生の親子の情緒関係 : '95年群馬調査と'66年京都調査の比較を通して
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- 中高年期におけるパーソナル・ネットワークと夫婦の情緒的統合およびウェルビーイング
- 家族の個別化・凝集性と中学生の自尊感情
- 家族関係学(家政学会誌による家政学研究の推移・動向(1988〜1997))
- 家族の多様化と個別化
- 女性の自立概念の検討と自立類型
- 共働きと子どもの発達 : 山手と下町の比較(一般研究 I・2部会 子供の社会化)