高齢者と都市の生活環境(第2報) : 地域特性とソーシャルネットワーク
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This study examined the structure of social network of the urban elderly in different areas. In previous studies, it was referred that the social network tended to weaken in accordance with the progress of urbanization. Recent studies, however, argue that the social network tends to be broadened rather than weakened. We surveyed the network structure in three areas in Tokyo where the extent of urbanization in terms of population are similar but the area characteristics are quite differnt. The method of survey is the same as in the first report of Kudo et al.(1998). The following results are obtained : 1) In the "yamanote"(residential) areas, the elderly have few friends and little contact with community. 2) In the "shitamachi"(downtown) areas, the elderly are more closely associated with neighbors than in the other two areas. 3) In the suburban areas, the elderly have more friends and are on good terms with them. The above show that trends to urbanizm and release from community are not identically experienced in the urbanized areas under survey.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1998-11-15
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