江戸幕府の接待にみられる江戸中期から後期の饗応の形態 (第2報)
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To clarify the origin of Japanese dishes, we surveyed meal-plans for formal banquets held in connection with the Buddhist mass at Toshogu in Nikko. Two hundred and one samples of meal-plans were obtained from old manuscripts. Based on the number of soups and dishes served first to each guest, these samples were classified into 1.5 categories composed from 4 soups and 16 dishes (Shichigosan) to 1 dish. The categories were differentiated according to the purposes of banquets and the status and rank of guests. The highest meal-plan, 4 soups and 16 dishes, was used only for the priest-prince of Nikko. These general pattern was the same one observed in the meal-plans for Korean ambassadors and Imperial envoys in the previous paper. Five of the 6 factors found in the previous paper have been confirmed in the meal-plans for the Buddhist mass. Furthermore the seventh factor which represents the degree of polishing of rice was newly found. The hierarchy of categories in the meal-plans of formal banquets held by the Edo government was presumed to be based on these seven factors.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1990-11-15
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