生活福祉の社会化と新家政知の展開 : 自立・共同・共生と相互扶助体系
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The paradigm of Home Economics (HE) is based on three fields of study, i.e., life recognition, wisdom of household management, and scientific knowledge. This report is aimed at opening a new horizon of the paradigm of HE. The household recognition defined by the authors is set as "The Livelihood of Man" by K. Polanyi, but applied toward three dimensions of individual, family and society, each of which is encompassed by self-responsibility, mutual-responsibility and co-living responsibility. The system of mutual assistance and supports given to self-help, mutual help, voluntary help and public helpare also set on the same footing as well as on the system concerning the solidarity of economic circulation. "Consumers' rights and resoonsibilities" regarding the establishment of the co-living society should be set on the frameworks such as self-responsibility for three SLS and eight hierarchical rights. Five social resoonsibilities also should meet with each of the five environmental components. In establishing the co-living society, the quality of each of 3SLS should be not only supported by also stepped up in line with truisms. It should be the common safeguard for every livelihood management, individual personal control, family household management, and semi-macro governance. When established in the aforementioned directions, we should obtain better preconditions for "competitive freedom" and "formal equality" as well as for developing "self-responsibility." These also act as better preconditions toward "mutual-responsibility" to establish effective collaboration for "substantial equality" and "fair position setting." When well established, the quality of co-living dimension should also emerge. As the premises of new household management under the same umbrella of "socialization livelihood management," the outside house-holding has to be closely connected with the quality that can be observed within the house-holding of 3SLS.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 2004-05-15
- 第10回太平洋芸術祭を見て(太平洋学会30周年記念特別座談会,創立30周年記念号)
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