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In recent years the effect of biofeedback therapy for wirter's cramp has been evaluated in relation to reduction of EMG and improvement of symptoms, and reports on its effectiveness are being made. However, hardly any reports have been published in detail on the relationship between the clinical effect of biofeedback therapy and physiological responsivity. Biofeedback was conducted for writer's cramp using two-channel EMG of musculus extensor carpi radialis longus and musculus trapezius, and its clinical effect and physiological responsivity were studied. The results of our study showed a relatively high effective rate of 73.9%. In the patients with writer's cramp in whom EMG biofeedback was effective, the EMG was originally high and the symptoms were reflected in the EMG. Furthermore, in these patients, EMG could be reduced during the trial period and session period. In order the enhance the clinical effect, it was found that control of only the musculus extensor carpi radialis longus was insufficient and the propriety and effectiveness of two-channel biofeedback therapy were suggested. In the study of writer's cramp by clinical type, it was confirmed that our classified stiff-tremor type is a unique clinical type which shows a responsivity unlike those of other types. The clinical effect classified by clinical type was the highest for stiff type, followed in decreasing order by stiff-tremor type and tremor type. It was ineffective for dystonia type. However, it was ascertained that the responsivity of EMG classified by clinical effect was not dependent on clinical type. EMG used as index in the present study appropriately reflected the pathophysiology of writer's cramp patients with writing difficulty and when there was room for learning toward the objective direction and there was responsivity to biofeedback, EMG indicated the potential therapeutic effectiveness regardless of clinical type. Furthermore, it was considered possible to speculate the therapeutic effect by the initial EMG value on the first day of therapy and by its responsivity.
- 日本バイオフィードバック学会の論文
- 1996-12-24
- I-F-6 連続監視課題を用いたParkinson症患者の随伴陰性変動(CNV) : 重症度・導出部位と波形の特徴(基礎)
- II E-11 書痙に対する2チャンネル筋電図バイオフィードバック療法(神経・筋)
- リラクセーションメソッドとしての筋電図バイオフィードバック療法(筋電図バイオフィードバックとリハビリテーション)
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- 16.マルチフィードバック療法が有効であった広場恐怖を伴う長期のパニック障害の1症例(第23回 日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会 演題抄録)
- 7.長期の筋電図バイオフィードバック療法が有効であった痙性斜頸の2症例(一般演題)(第22回 日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会 演題抄録)
- 15.BZP依存からの離脱にBF療法が有効であった1症例(第20回 日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会 演題抄録)
- 37.うつ状態の治療過程におけるNK細胞活性の推移(第15回日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会演題抄録)
- 2チャンネル筋電図フィードバックによる痙性斜頸の1治験例 : コンピュータ・グラフィクスを用いた試み : 第13回日本心身医学会中国・四国地方会演題抄録
- バイオフィードバック療法の臨床効果に関する一考察
- I-E-12 パーキンソン病における抑うつ(精神神経III)(一般口演)
- 28)書痙に対する2チャンネル筋電図バイオフィードバック療法(第24回日本バイオフィードバック学会総会演題抄録)(ポスター発表(第1会場))
- 広島修道大学(研究室紹介)
- 書痙に対する2チャンネル筋電図バイオワィードバック療法
- 広場恐怖を伴う慢性のパニック障害患者に対して現実的脱感作法とマルチフィードバック療法を併用した1症例
- 演題15.痙性斜頸に対する4チャンネル筋電図バイオフィードバック療法(第26回日本バイオフィードバック学会総会演題抄録)(一般発表)
- 痙性斜頸に対する4チャンネル筋電図バイオフィードバック療法