Localization of blood group antigens on the secretory granules of human cervical glands using lectins and monoclonal antibodies
- Existence of Blood Group Related Antigens in Nuclear Heterochromatin in Mucous Cells of Human Cervical Glands.
- Relationship between Lectin Binding Properties and the Expression of Blood Group ABH Antigens in Vascular Endothelia and Red Blood Cells from 18 Primate Species
- Histochemical Demonstration of Mucin Type Glycoproteins in Human Tissues Using Lectin Staining Method in Combination with Exo-and Endo-Glycosidase Digestion Procedures
- Effects of Exoglycosidase Digestion upon Lectin Stainings in Human Pancreas
- Lectin Histochemical Study of Squamous Carcinoma in the Head and Neck Region
- Localization of blood group antigens on the secretory granules of human cervical glands using lectins and monoclonal antibodies