Effects of Exoglycosidase Digestion upon Lectin Stainings in Human Pancreas
Nishi Katsuji
Department of Legal Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Sciences
伊藤 信彰
Ito Nobuaki
Department Of Legal Medicine Nara Medical University
Ito N
Department Of Legal Medicine Nara Medical University
Department of Legal Medicine, Nara Medical University
HIROTA Tadaomi
Department of Legal Medicine, Nara Medical University
Nishi K
Department Of Legal Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Nishi Katsuji
Department Of Legal Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Okamura Yoshiro
Department Of Legal Medicine Nara Medical University
Hirota T
Department Of Legal Medicine Nara Medical University
HIROTA Tadaomi
Department of Legal Medicine Nara Medical University
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