In situ hybridization using a fluorescent avidin-biotin technique for detection of c-myc mRNA.
Kamachi M.
Department Of Pathology Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Tsuji Y.
Dept. Obst. and Gynec., Nara Univ. Sch. Med.,
Urata Y.
Dept. Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Pathology Of Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Kusuzaki K.
Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery and Pathology of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Ashihara T.
Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery and Pathology of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Tsuchihashi Y.
1st Dep. of Patho. Kyoto Pref. Univ.
Takeshita H.
Dept. of Pathol., Kyoto Pref. Univ. of Med.
Hirabayashi K.
Nippon Shinyaku Co., LTD.
Yano J.
Nippon Shinyaku Co., LTD.
Urata Y.
Nippon Shinyaku Co., LTD.
Kuzuhara A.
Nippon Shinyaku Co., LTD.
Yamanouchi H.
Dept. Orthopedic Surg., Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Kamachi M.
Nippon Shinyaku Co., LTD.
Kuzuhara A.
Depts. Path. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Takahashi H.
Depts. Of Internal Medicine Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine.
Kusuzaki K.
Department Of Pathology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Tsuchihashi Y.
Depts Of Pathology And Orthopaedics Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Yamanouchi H.
Dept. Orthopedic Surg. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Kamachi M.
Dept. Path. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Tsuji Y.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Hyogo Med. College
Hirabayashi K.
Nippon Shinyaku Co. Ltd.
Takeshita H.
Dept. Pathol. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Yamanouchi H.
Dept. Obst. & Gynec. Institute Of Clinical Med. Univ. Of Tsukuba. Ibaraki
Ashihara T.
Dept. Path. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
- 75 Nutritional and physiological role of taurine during perinatal period.
- 324. The Multivariable Analysis of Toxemia Pregnancy
- 62. The Study of Human Placental Tauro-cholate Transport Mechanism (Using Brush Border Membrane Vesicles)
- 171. Placental Transport of Taurine in Brush Border Microvillous and Developing Fetuses
- P-3 Experimental study on macroscopic visualization of mouse osteosarcoma with acridine orange
- Detection of the DNA strand breaks by in situ nick translation using non-radioactive nucleotide.
- Autostaging cytofluorometry and its applications for cytological study
- Combined analysis of nuclear morphometry and DNA cytofluorometry on thyroid tumors (II)
- Multiparaetric Analysis on Human Adenocarcinoma Cells by Autostage Cytofluorometry Combined with Image Analysis
- Combined analysis of nuclear morphometry and DNA-cytofluorometry on endocrine tumors
- Lectin Binding Patterns and Cell Kinetics of Squamous Cell Carcinomas in Head and Neck
- Development of a New Cytofluorometer System Combined with an Image Processor and Its Application
- Cell kinetics of the hyperplastic nodules in rat hepatocarcinogenesis
- 65 Image analysis of the gastric cancer cells combined with a computer-aided autostaging multiparametric cytofluorometry.
- 57 Analyses of cell kinetics and the distribution patterns of tissue F-actin in the human colorectal cancers.
- 51 Immunohistochemical and cytochemical analyses of S-100 protein in the rat chondrocytes.
- 48 Cell kinetic changes during DMSO-induced differentiation in the human leukemia cell line (HL-60).
- 47 In situ hybridization using a fluorescent avidin-biotin technique for detection of c-myc mRNA.
- 40 An attempt of in situ DNA cytofluorometry of the cultured cells.
- 35 An autostage cytofluorometer system combined with a high-resolution (fluorescence) image analyzer.
- Cell kinetic changes during DMSO-induced differentiation in the human leukemia cell line (HL-60).
- In situ hybridization using a fluorescent avidin-biotin technique for detection of c-myc mRNA.
- An attempt of in situ DNA cytofluorometry of the cultured cells
- Immunohistochemical and cytochemical analyses of S-100 protein in the rat chondrocytes
- 111 A fertilization blocking antibody which recognizes an antigen epitope of lysozyme in human spermatozoa.
- 522 The effects of sperm immobilizing antibodies in sera of infertile women on Japanese monkey sperm.
- 39 Analysis of antigens corresponding to human and mouse monoclonal antibodies with human sperm immobilizing activity.
- 37 Sperm-immobilizing and fertilization-blocking monoclonal antibody recognizing a peptide epitope of sperm coating antigen.
- 230 Sperm immobilizing antibody neutralizing effect of IgG4 subclass in sterile women.
- 16 . Correlation between Cell Membrane Fluidity and the Effects of Anti-tumor Agents
- 286.A Functional and Therapeutic Effects of Peritoneal Mactophages in Patients of Gynecologic Malignant Neoplasmas : XXXXVIII Malignant Tumor(VIII)
- Image analysis of the gastric cancer cells combined with a computer-aided autostaging multiparametric cytofluorometry.
- Analyses of cell kinetics and the distribution patterns of tissue F-actin in the human colorectal cancers.
- An autostage cytofluorometer system combined with a high-resolution (fluorescence) image analyzer
- Analysis of cell kinetics based on multiparametric cytofluorometry and distribution patterns of tissue F-actin in the human colorectal cancers
- DNA-RNA cytofluorometry using AO stain with an automatic stage-scan
- DNA-RNA cytofluorometry on the human gastric cancers in combination with ^3H-thymidine autoradiography
- An application of DNA-cytofluorometry for the paraffin-embedded materials of the gastric and colorectal cancers
- Studies on the Cell Malignancy by DNA-RNA Cytofluorometry with AO Stain
- 203. A new method of DNA-cytofluorometry for the paraffin-embedded tissue materials
- 197. Cytokinetics of rat liver cells as studied by multiparametric cytofluorometry after AO staining.
- An attempt of in situ DNA cytofluorometry of the cultured cells
- Attempts of immunohistochemical and cytochemical analyses of S-100 protein in rat chondrocytes
- DNA-RNA Cytofluorometry using PI Stain
- Studies on giant cell tumor of bone in vitro (II) : Staining of cytoskeleton by Coomassie blue
- Cell kinetics of the hyperplastic nodules in the DEN-induced liver cell carcinogenesis
- Kinetic analysis of the liver cells in the D-galactosamine-induced liver injury
- 19.A Study on the Histogenesis of Squamous Papillary Tumors in the Uterine Cervix : IV Malignant Tumor(IV)
- 477. Analysis of Carbohydrate Epitope Structure Corresponding to Sperm Immobilizing Human Monoclonal Antibody H6-3C4
- 160. HCG Assay by Reverse Passive Hemagglutination with Anti-hCG Monoclonal Antibodies
- 132. Establishment of Human-mouse Hybridomas Producing Sperm Immobilizing Antibody by Using Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes from Infertile Patients
- 292. Establishment of Highly Specific Monoclonal Antibody against hCG by an Autoradiographic Screening Assay
- 73. Localization of Antigenic Determinants to Hormone Receptor in hCG Molecule Studied by Monoclonal Antibodies to hCG
- Studies on Cytoskeletal arrangements in Cultured Central Nervous Tumor Cells
- 70. Feulgen-DNA Cytofluorometry for various organs in man : Analysis of aging and diseased conditions
- 69. DNA-Cytofluorometric analysis of liver cirrhosis and hepatomas in human
- Feulgen-DNA cytofluorometry of the liver cell carcinoma, liver cirrhosis and Liver Cell Dysplasia, using paraffin-embedded materials
- Cytofluorometric determinations of DNA, RNA and protein contents of rat liver cells
- Feulgen-DNA cytofluorometry for several organs in human
- An attempt of multiparametric cytofluorometry for the analysis of the cell cycle of Yoshida ascites sarcoma
- Standardization of multiparametric cytofluorometry
- An Attempt of Feulgen-DNA cytofluorometry of Rat Cartilage Cells
- Two-Parametric Cytofluorometry of DNA vs. Protein Content of the Cultured Human Lymphocytes
- Feulgen-DNA Cytofluorometry of Liver Cell Dysplasia (LCD)
- Feulgen-DNA Cytofluorometry of Human Myocardial Cells: The Analysis of Myocardial Infarct
- A Two-parametric (Epi-illumination) Cytofluorometer and Its Application to the Analysis of Cellular DNA vs. Protein Content
- Feulgen-DNA Cytofluorometry of Human Heart Muscle Cells
- Prevention of the Nonspecific Fluorescence in the Feulgen-DNA Cytofluorometry
- 94. Specific Expression of Blood Group O (H) Type Antigen on Endometrial Carcinoma
- 231. Analysis of Specific Antigens Expressed on Epithelial Ovarian Carcinomas Using Monoclonal Antibodies
- 91.Production of Monoclonal Antibodies to Human Serous Cystadenocarcinoma : XV Immunology and Infection
- 96.Establishment of Hybridoma Monoclonal Antibodies against Mucinous Cystoadenocarcinoma of Ovary : XVI Immunology(I)
- 312. A Renal Biopsy Study on Preeclampsia and its Remote Prognosis
- 139 Responsiveness of the hyperplastic nodules and liver cell carcinomas to partial hepatectomy as studied by DNA cytofluorometry.
- 138 DNA cytofluorometry for the putative premalignant lesions in the human liver.
- 45 Analysis of hepatocarcinogenesis as studied by DNA-RNA cytofluorometry in combination with histochemistry.
- 44 DNA-albumin cytofluorometry applied to the analysis of liver injuries.
- DNA-albumin cytofluorometry applied to the analysis of liver injuries.
- DNA cytofluorometry for the putative premalignant lesions in the human liver.
- Analysis of hepatocarcinogenesis as studied by DNA-RNA cytofluorometry in combination with histochemistry.
- Responsiveness of the hyperplastic nodules and liver cell carcinomas to partial hepatectomy as studied by DNA cytofluorometry.
- DNA-albumin cytofluorometry, and its application to the analysis of liver injury
- DNA-RNA cytofluorometry on the hyperplastic nodules of DEN-induced hepatocarcinogenesis
- 184. Experimental Study of Prenatal Therapy to IUGR Originated in Mid-pregnancy
- 525 Negativenly charged phospholipids as an corresponding epitope of sperm agglutinating monoclonal antibody.
- 520 Analysis of 3-0-sulfogalactose residue as an epitope of sperm immobilizing antibodies in sterile women's sera.
- DNA cytofluorometry combined with ^3H-TdR ARG of the cultured cells from 4-HAQO induced sarcoma of the rat
- Cytofluorometry and histocytochemistry of bone giant cell tumor (preliminary report)
- 268. Neonatal Free Amino Acid Source before Feeding
- 196.Theophylline Therapy for IUGR Pregnancy : XXXIII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(III)
- 198. Cytofluorometric analysis of proliferation, differentiation and maturation of the epiphyseal cartilage cells in the growing rat
- 43. Treatments of the Patients with Hypergonadotropic Ovarian Failure
- 24G10: Electron microscopic examination of odontogenic ghost cell carcinoma (Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Oral Pathology)
- 393. The Analysis of Immunosuppressive Factors from Choriocarcinoma by Using Recombinant IL-2 and IL-2 Dependent Cell Line NKC-3
- 79.Relationship of Fetal Hind Limb and Fetal Liver on Amino Acid Metabolism in Pregnant Rat : XIV Fetus and Neonate(IV)
- 229 Common Carbohydrate Antigen Expressed on Human Trophoblast and Sperm.
- 332.Analysis of the Blocking Effect of Antibodies to Zona Pellucida on Fertilization by Using Monoclonal Antibody : XXXXXVI Sterility and Family Planning(III)
- 100.Purification and Characterization of Zona Pellucida Antigens from Pig Oocytes by Immunoaffinity Chromatography on Bound Monoclonal Antibody : XVII Immunology(II)
- 47. A Study of Hystological Change on the Surrounding Stroma of Uterine Cervical Cancer