Analysis of cell kinetics based on multiparametric cytofluorometry and distribution patterns of tissue F-actin in the human colorectal cancers
Hashimoto T.
Dept. of Anat., Sch. of Med., Toho Univ.
Urata Y.
Dept. Of Orthopaedic Surgery And Pathology Of Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Ashihara T.
Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery and Pathology of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Urata Y.
1st Dep. of Patho. Kyoto Pref. Univ.
Tsuchihashi Y.
1st Dep. of Patho. Kyoto Pref. Univ.
Morotomi N.
Department of Pathology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Morotomi N.
Dept. Pathol., Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Kamachi M.
Dept. Pathol., Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Okabe H.
Dept. Pathol., Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Kodama M.
Dept. Surg., Shiga Univ. Med. Sci.
Okabe H.
Depts. Path., Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Morotomi N.
Department Of Pathology Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Maruyama K.
Dept. Patho. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Fujimoto T.
Dept. Patho. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Tsuchihashi Y.
Dept. Patho. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Shimada N.
Dept. Lab., Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Okabe H.
Depts. Path. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Tsuchihashi Y.
Depts Of Pathology And Orthopaedics Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Kamachi M.
Dept. Path. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Maruyama K.
Dept. Obst. And Gynec. Fujita Health Univ. Sch. Med.
Tsuchihashi Y.
Dept. Path. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Ashihara T.
Dept. Path. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Morotomi N.
Dept. Pathol. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Maruyama K.
Dept. Biol., Fac. Sci., Chiba Univ.
- ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC OBSERVATIONS OF THE ALVEOLAR EPITHELIAL CELLS OF THE RAT : Morphology : Abstracts of papers presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- LIGHT MICROSCOPIC OBSERVATIONS BY VARIOUS STAININGS OF THE LUNGS OF HYNOBIUS NEBULOSUS TOKYOENSIS : Morphology : Abstracts of papers presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- ANATOMICAL STUDIES ON THE LUNG OF THE AIR-BREATHING FISH (DIPNOI & POLYPTERIDA) : Morphology : Abstracts of papers presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- P-3 Experimental study on macroscopic visualization of mouse osteosarcoma with acridine orange
- Detection of the DNA strand breaks by in situ nick translation using non-radioactive nucleotide.
- Autostaging cytofluorometry and its applications for cytological study
- Combined analysis of nuclear morphometry and DNA cytofluorometry on thyroid tumors (II)
- Multiparaetric Analysis on Human Adenocarcinoma Cells by Autostage Cytofluorometry Combined with Image Analysis
- Combined analysis of nuclear morphometry and DNA-cytofluorometry on endocrine tumors
- Lectin Binding Patterns and Cell Kinetics of Squamous Cell Carcinomas in Head and Neck
- Development of a New Cytofluorometer System Combined with an Image Processor and Its Application
- Cell kinetics of the hyperplastic nodules in rat hepatocarcinogenesis
- 65 Image analysis of the gastric cancer cells combined with a computer-aided autostaging multiparametric cytofluorometry.
- 57 Analyses of cell kinetics and the distribution patterns of tissue F-actin in the human colorectal cancers.
- 51 Immunohistochemical and cytochemical analyses of S-100 protein in the rat chondrocytes.
- 48 Cell kinetic changes during DMSO-induced differentiation in the human leukemia cell line (HL-60).
- 47 In situ hybridization using a fluorescent avidin-biotin technique for detection of c-myc mRNA.
- 40 An attempt of in situ DNA cytofluorometry of the cultured cells.
- 35 An autostage cytofluorometer system combined with a high-resolution (fluorescence) image analyzer.
- Cell kinetic changes during DMSO-induced differentiation in the human leukemia cell line (HL-60).
- In situ hybridization using a fluorescent avidin-biotin technique for detection of c-myc mRNA.
- An attempt of in situ DNA cytofluorometry of the cultured cells
- Immunohistochemical and cytochemical analyses of S-100 protein in the rat chondrocytes
- Image analysis of the gastric cancer cells combined with a computer-aided autostaging multiparametric cytofluorometry.
- Analyses of cell kinetics and the distribution patterns of tissue F-actin in the human colorectal cancers.
- An autostage cytofluorometer system combined with a high-resolution (fluorescence) image analyzer
- Analysis of cell kinetics based on multiparametric cytofluorometry and distribution patterns of tissue F-actin in the human colorectal cancers
- DNA-RNA cytofluorometry using AO stain with an automatic stage-scan
- DNA-RNA cytofluorometry on the human gastric cancers in combination with ^3H-thymidine autoradiography
- An application of DNA-cytofluorometry for the paraffin-embedded materials of the gastric and colorectal cancers
- Studies on the Cell Malignancy by DNA-RNA Cytofluorometry with AO Stain
- 203. A new method of DNA-cytofluorometry for the paraffin-embedded tissue materials
- 197. Cytokinetics of rat liver cells as studied by multiparametric cytofluorometry after AO staining.
- An attempt of in situ DNA cytofluorometry of the cultured cells
- Attempts of immunohistochemical and cytochemical analyses of S-100 protein in rat chondrocytes
- DNA-RNA Cytofluorometry using PI Stain
- Studies on giant cell tumor of bone in vitro (II) : Staining of cytoskeleton by Coomassie blue
- Cell kinetics of the hyperplastic nodules in the DEN-induced liver cell carcinogenesis
- Kinetic analysis of the liver cells in the D-galactosamine-induced liver injury
- Studies on Cytoskeletal arrangements in Cultured Central Nervous Tumor Cells
- 70. Feulgen-DNA Cytofluorometry for various organs in man : Analysis of aging and diseased conditions
- 69. DNA-Cytofluorometric analysis of liver cirrhosis and hepatomas in human
- Feulgen-DNA cytofluorometry of the liver cell carcinoma, liver cirrhosis and Liver Cell Dysplasia, using paraffin-embedded materials
- Cytofluorometric determinations of DNA, RNA and protein contents of rat liver cells
- Feulgen-DNA cytofluorometry for several organs in human
- An attempt of multiparametric cytofluorometry for the analysis of the cell cycle of Yoshida ascites sarcoma
- Standardization of multiparametric cytofluorometry
- An Attempt of Feulgen-DNA cytofluorometry of Rat Cartilage Cells
- Two-Parametric Cytofluorometry of DNA vs. Protein Content of the Cultured Human Lymphocytes
- Feulgen-DNA Cytofluorometry of Liver Cell Dysplasia (LCD)
- Feulgen-DNA Cytofluorometry of Human Myocardial Cells: The Analysis of Myocardial Infarct
- A Two-parametric (Epi-illumination) Cytofluorometer and Its Application to the Analysis of Cellular DNA vs. Protein Content
- ISOLATION OF NEBULIN AND ITS INTERACTION WITH ACTIN(Cell Biology and Morphology)(Proceeding of the Seventy-Third Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- MOLECULLAR SHAPE OF RABBIT SKELETAL MUSCLE NEBULIN(Cell Biology and Morphology)Proceedings of the Seventy-First Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan
- PREPARATION OF NEBULIN-ACTIN COMPLEX FROM RABBIT SKELETAL MUSCLE(Biochemistry)(Proceedings of the Seventieth Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- 139 Responsiveness of the hyperplastic nodules and liver cell carcinomas to partial hepatectomy as studied by DNA cytofluorometry.
- 138 DNA cytofluorometry for the putative premalignant lesions in the human liver.
- 45 Analysis of hepatocarcinogenesis as studied by DNA-RNA cytofluorometry in combination with histochemistry.
- 44 DNA-albumin cytofluorometry applied to the analysis of liver injuries.
- DNA-albumin cytofluorometry applied to the analysis of liver injuries.
- DNA cytofluorometry for the putative premalignant lesions in the human liver.
- Analysis of hepatocarcinogenesis as studied by DNA-RNA cytofluorometry in combination with histochemistry.
- Responsiveness of the hyperplastic nodules and liver cell carcinomas to partial hepatectomy as studied by DNA cytofluorometry.
- DNA-albumin cytofluorometry, and its application to the analysis of liver injury
- DNA-RNA cytofluorometry on the hyperplastic nodules of DEN-induced hepatocarcinogenesis
- 112 Effect of clomiphene citrate on endometrial morphology.
- 250 Direct ovarian effects of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists.
- 197 Direct inhibitory effects of prolactin in the process of ovulation.
- DNA cytofluorometry combined with ^3H-TdR ARG of the cultured cells from 4-HAQO induced sarcoma of the rat
- Cytofluorometry and histocytochemistry of bone giant cell tumor (preliminary report)
- 212. Studies on the Acceleration of Fetal Heart Rate
- 74.Toe Plethysmography of Pregnant Women : XII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(III)
- 340.Physiological Observations of Uterine Contractions with Bearing-down Efforts : XXXXXVII Pregnancy, Labor and Puerperium(VII)
- 198. Cytofluorometric analysis of proliferation, differentiation and maturation of the epiphyseal cartilage cells in the growing rat
- 319. Responses of Fetal Movements and Fetal Breathing Movements to Recovery Period from Acute Hypoxemia
- 251 Effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists on meiotic maturation of follicle-enclosed oocytes in rabbits.
- 145 Treatment and fetal outcome of lupus anticoagulant-positive pregnancies.
- 144 Lupus anticoagulant in the pregnancies with SLE.
- 516 A case of simultaneous pregnancy in each cavity of uterus bicornis unicollis with rudimentary horn that resulted in both neonatal survival after two episodes of uterine rupture.
- 93 Plasma replacement therapy (double filtration plasmapheresis, DFPP) for pregnancy with severe Rh(D) blood type incompatibility.
- 126. Process of Immunoglobulin Transport through the Human Syncytiotrophoblast
- 42.Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies on the Changes of the Oviduct Due to Aging, Menstrual Cycle, Pregnancy and Inflammation : VIII Phisiology and Pathology of Sexual Organs(III)
- 441. Action Site of Estrogen in the Limbic System of Cycling Female Rats
- 146. Mechanical Analysis of the Dilatation Mechanism of the Uterine Orifice during Labor
- 148. The Management of Pregnancy, Delivery and Puerperium of HIV Carrier-particularly the Approach for the Prevention of the Maternal Onset and the Vertical Transmission of HIV
- 120. The Best Respiratory Management for the Very Low Birth Weight Infant by New Neonatal Respiratory Monitoring Using Frequency Analysis : Particularly Cases of Idiopathic Respiratory Distress Syndrome (IRDS)
- 386. Morphological Analysis of Platelet in Neonatal Period
- 69. Success Case of PROM at 21 Weeks of Gestation
- 215. Correlation between Fetal Movement and Fetal Heart Rate Acceleration : Developmental Change during Pregnancy
- 98.Transcatheter Embolization of Pelvic Arteriovenous Malformation with Massive Genital Bleeding : XVI Hematology and Surgery
- 235.A Study of Developmental Change about Fetal Heart Rate Regulation Mechanism : XXXX ME(III)
- 178. Experimental Study on Intrauterine Fetal Alimentation. : Effects of Maternal Maltose Administration on Fetal Carbohydrate and Lipid Metabolism
- 197. A Kinetic Study of Carbohydrate in Pregnancy
- 108. Studies on Intrauterine Fetal Alimentation
- 66 Evaluation of hemodynamics at fetal distress by pulsed Doppler method.
- 231. Study on the Mechanism of the Action of PGE_1 Analogue Suppository for the Termination of Pregnancy at Early Stage
- 229. New Approach of Bilateral Tubal Coagulation under Laparoscopy by Newly Developed Bipolar Coagulation Forceps