Study on the Mechanism of Glycogenosome Formation (8) : Molecular Diversity of α-Glucosidases
Tsuru Takeshi
Department Of Pathology Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Tsuru Takeshi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Department of Pathology, Ryukyu University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology, Kumamoto University School of Medicine
Hamada Tetsuo
Department Of Pathology Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Iwamasa Teruo
Department Of Clinical Chemistry And Pathology Shimonoseki Chuo General Hospital
Takeuchi Tadao
Department Of Pathology Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Hamada Tetsuo
Department Of Pathology Kumamoto University Medical School
Hamada Tetsuo
Department Of Clinical Pathology University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
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