Constraint of Non-Thermal X-Ray Emission from the On-Going Merger Cluster Abell 3376 with Suzaku
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Astronomical Society of Japanの論文
- 2009-01-30
Tsuru T
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Sagamihara
Department of Physical Sciences, School of Science, Hiroshima University
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Cosmic Radiation Laboratory, RIKEN
Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
KOKUBUN Motohide
Department of High Energy Astrophysics, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Aerospace Explo
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Department of High Energy Astrophysics, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science Aerospace Explo
Tamagawa Toru
Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
Department of Physical Science, Hiroshima University
Department of Physical Science, Hiroshima University
OTA Naomi
Department of High Energy Astrophysics, Institute of Space and Astronomical Science (ISAS), Japan Ae
Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Exploration of the Universe Division, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
Tsuru Takeshi
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Takeshima T
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Tamura Takayuki
Inst. Of Space And Astronautical Sci. Kanagawa
Nishino Sho
Hiroshima Univ. Hiroshima
Nishino Sho
Department Of Physical Science Hiroshima University
Kii T
Univ. Miyazaki Miyazaki
Morimoto Kouji
Ri Beam Science Laboratory The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research Research (riken)
Nakashima K
Univ. Of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo Tokyo 113-0033 Jpn
Isobe Naoki
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
Tsuru Takeshi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Kawai N
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Tokyo
Hitotsubashi University
Kanzawa Tomio
Subaru Telescope Naoj
Iyomoto N
Exploration Of The Universe Division Nasa/goddard Space Flight Center
Iyomoto Naoko
The Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science
Tamura Keisuke
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Kanagawa
Kokubun M
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science
Tamura Keisuke
Department Of Astrophysics School Of Science Nagoya University
Department of Physics, Tokyo Tech
TAMURA Takayuki
OTA Naomi
Cosmic Radiation Laboratory, RIKEN
Makishima Kazuo
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Ohashi T
Osaka Prefecture Univ. Osaka
Dep. of Phys., Hiroshima University
Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics
Nakazawa Kazuhiro
Department Of Physics The University Of Tokyo
Ota N
Department Of High Energy Astrophysics Institute Of Space And Astronomical Science (isas) Japan Aero
Henry J.patrick
Institute For Astronomy University Of Hawaii
Hornschemeier Ann
Exploration Of The Universe Division Nasa/goddard Space Flight Center (gsfc)
Kato T
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Tadayuki
Department Of High Energy Astrophysics Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Aerospace Explor
Takamizawa K
Takamizawa Kesao
Variable Star Obsevers League In Japan (vsolj)
Totani T
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Taguchi Tomoyuki
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Iyomoto Naoko
Department Of Physics The University Of Tokyo
Institutes of Space and Astronautic Science (ISAS)
Henry J.
Institute For Astronomy University Of Hawaii
Ohashi Takaya
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Fukazawa Y
Department Of Physical Science Hiroshima University
Ishikawa Nobuyuki
Department Of Physics And Mathematics Aoyama Gakuin University
Fukazawa Yasushi
Department Of Physical Science Hiroshima University
Kokubun Motohide
Department Of High Energy Astrophysics Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Aerospace Explor
Tanaka Takeshi
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Ohsugi Takashi
Astrophysical Science Center Hiroshima University
Takahashi T
Kavli Institute For Particle Astrophysics And Cosmology Stanford University
Krajci Tom
Center For Backyard Astrophysics (new Mexico)
Ota Naomi
Department Of High Energy Astrophysics Institute Of Space And Astronomical Science (isas) Japan Aero
Kotani Taro
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ohsugi T
Astrophysical Science Center Hiroshima University
Takagishi Kunio
Physics Department Kogakuin University
Kokubun Motohide
Ri Beam Science Laboratory The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research Research (riken)
Tosaki T
Nobeyama Radio Observatory
Kotani Taro
Department Of Physics Tokyo University Of Science
Tamura Takayuki
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Science Science University Of Tokyo
Kagei T
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Torii Ken'ichi
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Torii Ken'ichi
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Isobe Naoki
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Tamagawa Toru
Department Of Geoscience Joetsu University Of Education
Kanemaru Takehiro
Department Of Physics The University Of Tokyo
Torii Ken'ichi
Department Of Astrophysics Nagoya University
Kawai Nobuyuki
Department Of Physics Tolyo Institute Of Technology
Kato Taichi
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Takahashi Toshikazu
Nobeyama Radio Observatory National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Takehashi Tadayuki
Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
KOKUBUN Motohide
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), JAXA
KOKUBUN Motohide
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Iyomoto Naoko
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
HENRY Patrick
Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
Department of High Energy Astrophysics, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
OTA Naomi
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS, JAXA)
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